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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. pedal break off ? best bet is just to go to ford and get one.


    sometimes they are repairable if the plastic hasnt broke


    yeah cory's did. why would it be better to go to ford if I can get one a lot cheaper. they aren't cheap from ford.......

  2. Thanks guys. I found the ODE website yesterday and did some looking around. i will just give them a call to see what exactly I need. I know I will take a pay cut from what I make now but I have wanted to be a teacher for a long time, not sure why I didn't go that route from the begining. Although I have not worked with kids the past 4 years all my experience up to that point was working with children. (probation, foster care, drug and alcohol treatment, ect).
  3. Any teachers here? I want to become a teacher. currently have a BS degree in communications. I know I can sub right now, but what would I need to do to become a full time teacher? thanks for any help



  4. I know a couple guys that actually work in claims departments, and there's a reason insurance companies hate 3C, and it ain't because they do good work. It's because they CHARGE for good work, but give you the cheapest thing they can get away with.


    true, and it will take them about 3 times as long to do the work.

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