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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. Yeah you're gonna need a cam if you want it to be any type of competition Phillip. Because bolt on for bolt on I would walk you. True story. Ask Ben, Eric and that one kid that had that black 398wrhp t/a.


    zach your car runs very good and it may still have beat me, but i had a 230 passenger and full n2o bottle. could be wrong but that might make up the 1.5 car? hence my wanting a rematch ;)

  2. I cannont get my dvd player to work on my comp. says I don't have a properly workin decoder. I want to know if there are any free decoders, I found some that cost $. I don't really want to spend money as it has worked for a few yrs now and just stopped recently. thanks!



  3. my son is 5 and he has had a quad for two years. I bought a cheap 110cc. he dosen't ride it that much. I bought mine from http://www.bestpriceatv.com, however I have heard some very bad things from them since. and you def get what you pay for. the susp is stiff and you can just tell its cheaply made. however he is highly supervised and it has held up well for us. I would def go 90 or 110 though.
  4. penn looked horrible, I think it was staged. lol. anderson has already said he has four fights left on his contract and he is retiring. I don't think anderson will do as well at 205. remember henderson was doing very well, until he slipped up at the end of the round. anderson will have trouble with the bigger and heavier handed fighters. And I don't see the fedor ever coming to the ufc, unfortunate, but dana is too aarogant to give him the freedom he wants as a fighter.
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