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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. We personally know of 3 people who have been told by their surgeons to seek treatment by physical therapist and pain specialist to help manage their symptoms until it's unbearable and then pursue surgery, as a last resort.


    this is what the back spec told me 8 yrs ago.


    Rick - I tried a chiro for about 3 weeks. He hurt me so bad I could barley move. he kept telling me it will get worse before better. but after 3 weeks I had enough. I would not rule out chiro treatment as it worked for my wife, but I think I need to seek other options.

  2. What kind of fracture? How did you do that?


    well, I fell off a deck when I was six and broke my arm. My mom stated I hurt my back but it wasn't treated due to being in traction for 6weeks. so I think it happened then.


    and kurt your right. when I first had it checked about 8 yrs ago it was spondylolisthesis. but my dr seems to think its worse than that now? I don't know. I don't know the difference if there is one. but he called it a fracture, so I don't know.


    sorry about the hijack......

  3. I just found out today I have a fracture on my L5.... I take advil if it gets too unbearable. but I have lived with back pain for about 10 yrs now. just decided to get it checked out. guess I am going to a back spec.


    my advice would be to go to a chiro get xrays, get straight, then do stretches and exercises to maintain. good luck!



  4. +1, in some eyes a Ruger 10/22 with an adjustable stock and 30 round mag would be considered an "assault rifle". It's funny how many folks are buying "assault rifles" and have no clue how to shoot them, what they are, or even how to take them down.


    he wants a DPMS 223 or 308. He has about a 30 gun collection and has always wanted one. he was given money for christmas to purchase one. your right he doesn't know much about them but he like to collect guns and it would fit nicely in his collection.

  5. ok, I am confused. I thought the silver membership was free? I would I pay $50 per year when the basic is free? I am not a big gamer, just may want to get online to play COD or something. so the hard drive is necessary. I will check out that deal on the site, thanks.
  6. wife just bought an arcade model for my birthday (I know I am way behind). Couple questions:


    can I play my old xbox game?

    how do I get xbox live?

    I much memory do I "really" need (I will play sports and wars game only)

    anything else I need?


    Thanks, Eric

  7. not trying to be dick, but if you know you have to post pics and you know you can't from your almighty iphone, then why not wait till you get home and can post pics. would have saved you from the harrassment. either way good luck on cr, most of the guys here are dicks so get used to it.
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