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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. any more info? I honestly don't understand what the tax reform actually means (I don't trust the biased news anymore) and I don't understand how this would now make sense where it didn't before. Why would a 2nd loan against my house to pay my house off make sense?
  2. funny thing is I was watching a youtube video this morning and an advertisement came on talking about HELOC loads to pay off your mortgage quicker because the interest isn't amortized... anyone with experience with it or know if it's total BS?
  3. we're in total agreement! Thus why I'm wanting to know everyone's tricks to getting their home paid off quicker.
  4. been 8 years, I'm still at my house with no interest in moving. I do drive a 2016 car but I also own a 1996 and 1997 cars as well... so... I might not really fit into the category of most people. :-) Plus not having that mortgage payment always sounds like a good idea. I'm also a guy who pays off his credit card at the end of every month and just uses it for points.
  5. I find it interesting that people think keeping debt and paying insane monthly payments is a better answer to not having that debt... The part I'm also having a hard time understanding. You can get a 7 year loan on a Tesla that's 100k and pay $1,2xx a month on it and pay it off... Why am I paying more and not paying off that amount as quickly? The way that mortgages handle the interest is the problem. They have you pay off the interest first before principal really gets affected... To me, that should be illegal. I think it's called amortization.
  6. so bi-weekly just gives you a extra month payment a year... is it just an extra month worth of principal payment a year or are we talking principal / interest / insurance?
  7. so when everyone says they pay over, do they pay like 100 over or do they pay the whole payment over? Also how in the world do you guys have such low mortgages? I pay almost 1,600 a month. When you pay over, do you have to tell the mortgage company every month to apply to principal or are they smart enough to automatically do it?
  8. ok man, here's what you do, I have this in my building 600 feet from my house and I'm getting consistant 30mbit download inside a steel building... get yourself an outdoor directional antenna https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008Z4I7WQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 you'll need a post to mount it on https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LMAJHAU/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 extension cable to reach your wifi extender https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005HIJCB8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and then the range extender.. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005UBNGY6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Not needed, but you could also purchase yourself a 9db antenna to replace the 2nd 5db antenna the unit comes with https://www.amazon.com/TECHTOO-Antenna-Connector-Wireless-Extender/dp/B00NVG5YZG/ref=sr_1_5?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1516426705&sr=1-5&keywords=9dbi+wifi+antenna I ended up getting myself a power timer so it reset itself every day because the cheap extenders seem to be like Linksys routers and need rebooted all the time. I highly recommend this extender though because the higher priced name brand ones didn't seem to work nearly as well.. But here you are, under 100 bucks and you'll love it. Fast internet and no cables. /thread
  9. Looking at what the bank makes in interest every year and the fact that you could buy your house 3 times by the time the loan is paid back, what is everyone trying to do to pay it off quicker? I've seen a ton of different things that people say to do in order to pay your mortgage off in sub 10 years, but all of them just seem like silly schemes. Anyone with real experience?
  10. it's still a mopar which means it will loose it's value very quickly and it will rust out within 5 years.
  11. How does it run? A/C and everything work on it?
  12. Same here... Spectrum is giving us a better price as long as we don't touch it because it's TimeWarner's pricing... problem is, it's still 150 bucks a month but we have movie channels, etc.... If we went internet only, we still have to pay for streaming services which bumps the price up higher than the 150 we're currently paying.
  13. stomach bug but also the chest cold... it's been a rough start to the winter for our house hold... we keep on giving it back and forth to each other.
  14. I guess who wants to spend 10k in legal fees because of a negative review on facebook and Google?
  15. Pretty much what Kerry is saying. I wasn't allowed in the establishment to ask for witnesses and the police made sure that we left before they did so we couldn't sit in the parking lot asking for witnesses. The problem is, the owner owns all the security footage and he knew police were coming, who knows what was done to the footage before they arrived or sense that time (to be clear, I'm not accusing him of messing with the footage, just stating that since he owns the footage, who knows). The police did review the footage and said that the owner said he was pointing towards the door when he struck her face and it wasn't intentional.. the Police took his word for it and said the video correlates and no report or anything filed. And I want to be very clear about this point, I am not and have not ever wanted any financial gain for anything pertaining to this. The only way I will go after that is if he continues down his "legal" path and then there will be a counter suit filed. My entire intention was to educate other people of his actions and let them make their own decisions whether to give him business or not. The police said that, "there's nothing illegal about being an asshole" and that the owners account of how my wife was struck held up so they didn't file a report. My question though is why the hell was the owner that close to my wife yelling in the first place that he would even come in contact with her pointing towards the door? I have purposely not given the name of the establishment here because this being such a large car club, someone is bound to know the owner on here and then he's now aware of my legal questions which then could put me in a situation. Once this is all settled down, I will make sure to post something in the review area so everyone is aware of the establishment.
  16. agreed... it's a battle if it's worth continuing or not. Part of me feels that I've already posted it, people have read it and he read it. Problem is, if we take it down then he thinks he won and that in his mind he feels he did nothing wrong which is an unacceptable answer. But I also don't have a minimum of 10k for legal fees to fight a legal battle with him either. as far as his info, I'm battling if I should let you guys know his info. The fact is, CR is a very large forum and he might have friends who are on here and then it's pushing the legal battle even farther if that makes sense.
  17. cool, you're a busy guy... I get it. and clean pussy cake sounds way more delicious than salty pussy cake
  18. honestly my only goal has been to let people know what happened there and him be forced to grow up. We aren't looking for an apology, compensation, etc... never have. As far as Media, it was shared with ABC6 and Tom Sousy when it first happened. The reality is, I can't afford legal fees so I need to protect my family and make sure he can't come back and sue us.
  19. I loved Star Wars... Planet of the Apes I always find entertaining although this one wasn't my favorite but I wouldn't say it was the worst movie of the year either. I absolutely LOVED Dunkirk. Movies about old wars or midevil times are always among my favorites... I've never heard of disaster artist. As far as all time favorite movie Shawshank Redemption... I could watch that movie every day and still love it.
  20. Anyone who would tell an overweight teenage girl to "shut the fuck up" and "waddle your fat ass out the door" is a salty pussy cake.
  21. Ya, pretty much just says, take it down immediately or we will sue you... blah blah blah.
  22. you and I are polar opposites when it comes to movies obviously because I think the exact opposite for everything you posted.
  23. maybe it's because I'm not a member of reddit, but I don't see anything that pertains to my issue.
  24. I don't want to post info right now until I speak with a lawyer. I'm not taking down anything that I've posted online but I'm also not adding to it until a lawyer gives me the all clear.
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