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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. smokin5s


    let me know if you want to sell the games seperate... I just got a game cube, but have no games for it.
  2. I just have it minimized and listening to it while I'm working.
  3. smokin5s

    RutanTA A+

    yup, that was it. now I'm just wishing that it had A/C so I could actually drive it. :-)
  4. how far is Indian Lake from Columbus? I need to get carpet put in my finished basement as well as I need carpet put into the living room of my other house.
  5. I think it was funny how he punches her in the face.... THEN just kind of takes his time getting the pepper spray out and then sprays her..... all the while after punching her, she's no longer fighting anything.... and I agree, the girl was a twig, it wouldn't be hard to control her. on the flip side, she needs to get fixed while in jail... don't need any more kids like that running around.
  6. a serious question for the guys who gut cut... does it make you put on weight? I know when we cut off my dogs balls, he got fat.... and I've heard that was typical for animals... just wondering if it's typical for humans as well. oh, and if the pill is effective and there are no long term side effects, I'd be all for it... maybe both on the pill would = no more rubbers
  7. smokin5s

    RutanTA A+

    Big thanks to John Rutan! He took my truck that was in pieces and put a new motor in it and got it running. A+
  8. what's the wattage and form factor on the power supplys? my dad needs something over 400
  9. I'm not registered... just click on the song, right click, go to get info, then there's an album art button.. click on it then add the picture...
  10. one question..... and this isn't meant to be racist, but why would a black woman sun tan?
  11. I have a few, I'll try to take photos
  12. if he doesn't want them, I might want them for my S10 if they will fit.
  13. figured it out... the switch wire on the starter wiggled loose.
  14. beats me, it's the one that it came with.. the fuel pump primes when I put the car on the "on" position
  15. ok, the security light only flashes if I bump start it
  16. lights, radio etc all work... it does have the pass key, I let it sit with the key in the ign for 20 min's in the parking lot... I read that you have to keep the door closed though which I did not.
  17. I have a '99 S10 4cyl 2wd 5 speed we just did an engine swap in it.... I was able to get it started when we left my buddy's house, but we pulled into the store and then came back out and it won't crank over... I tried bump starting it, but it will just sputter a little and die... the security light just flashes.... any ideas? my AAA just expired and I really don't have the money to get it renewed right now so if I could get it started to at least get it home, it would be appriciated.
  18. I tried... anything over 4 then the client times out.
  19. I have it set to 4 (which is as much as WOW allows) less than a gig took about 4 1/2 hours... I'm running a brand new AMD 64 x2 machine... I probably just don't have something setup right.
  20. I have WOW and the 6mbit Internet and it's slow as balls.... (took 4 1/2 hours to download 700 megs) any idea on what settings might need to be changed?
  21. ok, sounds good... if you change your mind I have a deck with sub controls etc... just no MP3..
  22. I have a couple... they can't read MP3's, but I'm sure you can hook up an MP3 player to it
  23. Sprint can lick my balls! radical change? hmmmm they still suck very badly!
  24. depends... what are the hours on sunday? honestly, I would love to get off saturday and then get off of a day in the middle of the week... that would be sweet!
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