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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. that's hear-say... how can a judge bill him without proof that he said he'd pay the ticket... as far as paying that chick's ticket... screw her... she drove it, she knew there was window tint on it as well as no front plate... you don't owe her anything... if a buddy borrowed the car, he wouldn't bitch and want you to pay his ticket.... so what's the difference? at this point, she's just a friend... women want equal rights... come get them.
  2. my feelings on capitol punishment is how can we uphold the law if we are breaking it ourself... in order to judge someone you have to be better than them... and you aren't if you kill people yourself... my feelings.... put the person responsible in a locked room with the family... let them settle it.
  3. maybe it's me, but why kill that thing? just to say that you did? I seriously doubt that they will eat it.
  4. frenchies have it right... the gulloteen was quick, and cheap.
  5. that documentary is pretty cool. you have to wonder, why can't they put an alternator on it and power a pump off of that... so in essense it will power itself.
  6. I am so sick of smokers whining about taking away their fucking rights.... read Buck's message... he respresents the vast majority of smokers... they don't give 2 shits about non-smoker's rights... even though smoking bans are in place, people still smoke EVERYWHERE.... and if they aren't allowed to do it inside, they do it in front of the door so we have to walk through that nasty ass cloud to go into places. oh wait, isn't it the squeeky wheel get the grease? hopefully this time it will just get replaced. /thread
  7. age: 22 car: Z06 ya, gotta pay decent :-)
  8. very interested in the Microwave... sending PM **edit: CLEAN OUT YOUR MAILBOX!!!!
  9. before this price hike, I was averaging around 400 a month in gas.... I'm scared to see what it will be now... time for me to go buy a bike.... even if I just drive it to work on nice days.... it will pay for itself in like a month.
  10. Does anyone know if this is true? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180119346838
  11. so... it's a Sentra... and it's sweet?
  12. also if the crack is in your field of vision
  13. she's pretty dang hot!
  14. smokin5s


    just stay away from Ohio Institute of Health Carriers... my fiance is getting ready to graduate from there... STAY AWAY FROM THERE!
  15. the fact that you know how to use Torrents means that you're a closet nerd.... we aren't fooled
  16. 16-17 is different... it's alot more strict.
  17. why are you upgrading? FYI, '97 Camaro's have the same style tail lights so they aren't just LS1 tail lights.... you might be able to get a harness off of a '97 to fit.
  18. I don't dislike you dude, I don't care about the fact that you sold it out from under him.... I was just stating the obvious that you are acting very immature in this thread and making me think twice before even thinking about buying anything that you have to offer.
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