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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. smokin5s


    you sir, just saved the thread
  2. sad.... I wanted a rebuttle like "no pigeons" or something... no a direct rip from her song.
  3. gilloteen but still... how are we any better than the criminal if we commit the same crime that they did? murder is murder... I don't care if it's the court that decides it or some crazy person
  4. should have just let him rot in jail... would have taken less time.
  5. smokin5s

    Going Bald.

    dude, honestly... going bald sucks... being bald is not so bad... when it gets thin, just shave it, you aren't fooling anyone but yourself anyways
  6. heck, tell him to come to blacklick, I'll give him mine... it's better than paying the 40 scoobs a month that I have to pay to even recycle
  7. good lord.... that's a ton of posting! +1111111000000000000000000000000 billion on Millano's... I love that place
  8. that's what I was thinking
  9. smokin5s

    Camera Help

    Tim, do you have any links to prices on some of these cameras? I need to find an inexpensive one as well that takes good pictures and is easy to use... my fuji is cheap and as so, only takes mediocre pictures at best... as well as the woman can't seem to grasp the concept of hold the button half way until it beeps for auto-focus. Thanks!
  10. smokin5s

    Paris Update

    I read the first sentence and then I realized that I didn't care.
  11. if so, do you know if you can rent a boat or anything? that would be titties!
  12. +1 on asking the father... I surprised her father by asking him and he surprised me even more by writing up a paper and making me sign it saying that I won't give her back... haha... the jokes on him, it wasn't notorized :-) in all seriousness... it doesn't have to be a restaurant... you can do it at home... for mine, I told her that my family was all coming over for my father's b-day so she had to leave school early... she gets there, no one is there... there's candle's lit everywhere... fireplace is going... I have presants ALL over the house... it turns into a scavengar hunt for her... each gift symbolizes something that we've been through... then she winds up in the basement where I had a candle lit dinner prepared... we ate, then I asked her...
  13. I thought it was funny... the acting was lame, but hey, the comedy made up for it.
  14. what is it with the influx of sentra spec whatever lately?
  15. I don't know what to think of that.
  16. is there supposed to be a link to where he's attacking the forum?
  17. maybe we should do that here.
  18. I have a '99 with a brand new head on it... might be worth trying.
  19. smokin5s

    Sick bastards

    Thorne, trying to figure out what you're saying in half of these posts is making my head hurt.
  20. I'm more interested to see how we are able to make ships travel faster in order to reach these planets. as far as saying that we will never see peace is only because everyone believes that we won't and would rather push it off as a problem for our children or our great grand children to fix. If we don't find peace within our lifetimes then I seriously doubt that any of us will die of natural causes.. I predict within the next 50 years, the U.S. will either be no more, or no longer a super power the way that we are today :-(
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