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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. it's not OBDI, it's OBD0.... honestly, it sounds like a timing issue... my '89 Blazer 4x4 had a similar issue and it ended up being the fuel pump.... but if I was you, I'd also check, there's an ignition module that connects to the distributer that I've been told goes out alot on these old motors... the blazer was a 4.3 so I don't know how similar the trucks are.
  2. dude, do you have an indoor pool?
  3. what are you looking for in trade? how well does the game play? is there burn in on the screen? PM me if you don't want it public
  4. Celeron is the key word... get a better processor and more ram.... your problem will go away :-)
  5. do these things have to have obediance training in order to be good pets? especially with kids? I know alot of animals if they know that the kids are their master's kids will look after them as their own... but that's still scarey... I'd be all for getting a wolf or a husky if they didn't chew on everything.
  6. we got Alissa (who is 9) a go phone for christmas... put 20 dollars on it.... she now doesn't care about it and we have no idea where it's at.... it's just a fad for the kids... they have no reason for one... I don't care what you say about safety or whatever.... if someone is going to snatch up the kid, they are probably going to do it while the kid is rummaging through their bookbag to find the dang thing.
  7. or a 4.5 hour flight into multiple days.
  8. ok, am I the only person wanting to know if it's volenteer or if you get paid for it?
  9. Dyson is a great vac, but you have to keep the filters and everything cleaned ALL the time like after every use or it is no better than a 100 dollar black and decker vac IMO. honestly, as far as cleaning is concerned... do the little things (as well as the big), like mirrors, dusting off the clocks, cleaining the window sills, cleaning the ceiling fans if they have them... the little things like that, that people don't think about very often is what really counts for a clean house and will get repeat business. I dusted off my ceiling fans last weekend and cleaned the window sills and light fixtures and I can't tell you how much cleaner the house feels now. just my opinion.
  10. do you have the mod chip? what version is your xbox? is it the solderless kit or the other?
  11. what is it? 2wd, 4wd? auto, 5 speed? 4 cyl, 6 cyl?
  12. werd... I'm really surprised at how well these cars handle in the snow.
  13. there is an application called Livelink, it's great for that sort of thing as well as documentation.
  14. hmmmm..... anyways, good luck with your financial venture... I really hope that you get your medical bills paid for. That is what insurance is for.
  15. I am not arguing that they should pay her medical bills. as far as constant pain... I've lived with back pain, tingling feeling in my feet, and sharp pains going down my leg for the past 2 years... I know what it's like to be in constant pain
  16. honestly, I didn't even know it was there until I pulled up all of the insulation to seal the walls. the wet spots start about the 2nd brick from the top and go about 2 bricks... no real biggie. Tim, I really like how you did your stairs... I think I might have to do mine similar to that.
  17. DUDE, LET ME SPELL THIS OUT FOR YOU... THE ONLY THING THAT THE INSURANCE COMPANY OWES YOU IS TO PAY HER MEDICAL BILLS AND REPLACE DAMAGED PROPERTY. that is what they are in business for. I really do feel for your wife... accidents suck and nothing good can ever come out of it. I've been in accidents before and had pain from them... I ruptured 2 disks in my lower back helping a friend out.... you think I'm going to sue him because of it, even though it will directly effect me for the rest of my life with constant pain? HELL NO... why? because he didn't mean to do it... It was an accident... it's not like the kid was like, "hey, I don't like that Pontiac in front of me, let me go ahead and ram it at 60 mph" jesus, people like you is one of the reason why insurance rates are so freaking high....
  18. I think it's actually called thourogh seal... it was a powder that added with water made this paste type of stuff... then you wet down the walls then apply. there is no down spout there... where the water is, it's only a square about 1 foot by 1 1/2 right under where the fireplace is... (it's a self contained unit and is elevated about a foot from the grass. where the water is at, there is plenty of drainage... the wall is not leaking at all and honestly, the brick just has a damp feeling to it.... will it hurt to frame and drywall around it? I am also putting insulation up, and will probably put one more coat of sealant in that area.
  19. you might want to post the link for the pics :-P
  20. my opinion... stop trying to get money for nothing... get All State to cover her medical bills... other than that, if you want to get rich, go find a better paying job... I hate this whole, "I want to sue someone" B.S. a recap of what I'm saying in case I'm not being completely clear... get All State to pay her medical, anything other than that is not their responsibility or the kids responsibility... accidents happen **edit, I'm in a bad mood... if she is seriously just trying to get All State to pay her medical bills, I don't see why they wouldn't... was the kid cited as well as can she prove that her medical bills are from the accident?
  21. I'm begining to finish my basement... I noticed that there is a few small places in the brick that the brick stays damp... I put the thorough seal on the walls, but it just appears that the walls are white and you can still see the moisture on the bricks that had problems before... how do I correct that? put a few more coats on that spot that has the problem? On both spots, the ground is built up outside so that the water slides away from the house. the only thing is I did put the sealant on when the bricks were already damp and it's been raining or snowing non-stop since I did it... should I wait until it dries for a few days outside and then attempt to re-coat the area? Thanks for your help.
  22. I'm sorry that he's not allowing dynamite vests :-P
  23. smokin5s

    good frame place?

    what size picture are you wanting framed? my g-f's dad makes frames and is amazing at it.
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