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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. I remember Mike got pretty messed up on this at your last party.
  2. smokin5s

    no show

    ok, let's break it down real quick... let's say I just meet you for the first time, I walk up to you and I'm like, "Hey Bitch!" You of course will be pissed off... now let's say that one of your buddies walks up to you and says the same thing... you will be like, "Hey man, what's going on?" The reason for that is because you and your friends have been cool enough and you have developed a "group" **edited... this was a bad example ** (Yes, I just attended an Inclusion training class for work thus why I'm talking about "Groups") BTW, what is your name if it isn't Matt? [ 23. March 2005, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: Shitaro ]
  3. smokin5s

    no show

    Matt, I'm going to be honest, you using the word Flake so much, is annoying... I talked to Johnny and he said that you are a really cool guy with an impressive car... so I have a feeling that you would be a valuable asset to CR if you'd stop acting like this. You might want to think about it...
  4. get a new car... they turn on the lights automatically I never worry about my lights being on or not because both of my cars do it for me... And if I turn them off... the damn thing keeps on beeping at me telling me that headlights are suggested. and yes, I want my damn cookie! tongue.gif In all honesty, I have a feeling that you were being a dick to the police officer which made him decide to give you a ticket. I have found, when I try to argue with them, or yell or whatever... they WILL give you a ticket. 105 scoobs is allot of coin, but just think of it this way, at least it's no points on your liscense.
  5. I agree with you. The only thing I was saying is that the guy being a dick didn't cause the kid to die... he was just an asshole when he shouldn't have been. I do agree that him being a public servant, he should not act like that.
  6. maybe I'm cruel, but he did send an emergency crew out there.... just told the people what he thought and got off... maybe he had a brush with death or something because of not wearing a helmet... I don't know... The fact is... he was a dick.. but he did dispatch emergency vehicles like he was supposed to. The sad part is that a helmet probably would have saved that kids life.
  7. 16. Thought for the day: Men are like fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it's up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with. LMAO!
  8. the C6 is LIGHTYEARS ahead in every way. They did allot more than just slap some new finders on it and throw a bigger motor in.... The C6 can out handle, out brake, out corner, and out accelerate any stock C5. It's like compairing the LT1 to the LS1.... they redesigned it to make it better in almost every way. one thing that scares me about the C6 is those electric door handles... I wounder if those can short out? doesn't matter... at least if you die in a C6, you die in style
  9. if you shoot the person in the leg, it's obvious that it's not attempted murder because at point blank range, it's not hard to hit someone center mass.
  10. <font size="]" target="_blank">http://users.skynet.be/am034052/Racing.wmv[/QB] I can..... on a video game tongue.gif
  11. just buy a new power supply from ebay and replace it.
  12. and the correct answer is "who gives a fuck" smile.gif
  13. smokin5s

    no fun

    I can't argue... my car is slow tongue.gif
  14. smokin5s

    James C

    no, John owns a Caddy, not lincoln and it's pearl white...
  15. I'll race ya, but only for fun... I'm not willing to bet money since my car will probably break halfway down the track tongue.gif
  16. just go to Autozone.... you can buy it by the foot.
  17. have you opened it up and looked inside?
  18. think about, each 1/4 panel at least 150 was the cheapest I saw, that's 300... radiator, 200 was the cheapest, fan shroud, 150, radiator support, 200, headlight assembly, 150 for each side so that's 300 | 300 - both 1/4 panels | 200 - radiator | 150 - fan shroud | 200 - radiator support | 275 - steering box |+300 - head light assembly ------- 1,425 that right there is over a grand... plus all the other misc things that could be needed as well as paint... and there might be frame damage.
  19. I stopped counting after I reach 1k to fix it
  20. wasn't desperado trying to sell a GTA a while back... he might still have it.
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