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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. GLWS, wish I had the room for them since our front loads have given us so much trouble.
  2. depends on the storage space you have in your vehicle when you take a trip... this holds a surprising amount of stuff and we've found it very useful because we can have the 3rd row seating up for people to sit in and we just put everything in the roof top luggage carrier.
  3. It should fit on any car with a luggage carrier. We have one and we use it on my wife's Pacifica.
  4. We put a temporary Neutral in today... it's only been in for about 2 hours abut so far, I haven't heard my fan change speeds at all and I have everything turned back on. We will see what the next few days brings. If this fixes it then the next battle will be pricing around for a new junction box and trenching new wire.
  5. The electrician said he thinks that it's the neutral going to the pole from the house. He said the "linemen" don't know what they are talking about. He's going to bring over a neutral wire tomorrow that we can temporarily hook up to see if it fixes things or not.
  6. I'm still wondering if the issue surrounds that box and wiring that was replaced on the deck. I don't see how considering we even pulled the breakers and ground / neutral from the box but it all seems fishy to me.
  7. probably a couple hundred feet I would say. I honestly, can't remember.
  8. electrician can't... I can do whatever I want to my house.
  9. Yes, meter is on the pole... remember I live in the country... no one has a meter on their house. Consolidated Electric took the meter off, hooked up equipment that tested the transformer, then they put the meter back, had me turn off the breakers at the house and garage and then tested the line again at the box on the side of my house... the tool adds 80 amps per leg to test resistance and load. There is no breaker that shuts my house off except the main breaker at the pole which was by design with my electric company. If I change how the wires are ran, then I will have to go back to my electric company for approval. Do you want a picture of inside the box, or just the box on the side of the house? I really hope that the line isn't bad as it's VERY expensive not only for material, but install costs.
  10. on houses built after 2014... my house was built the end of 2010 And for the record, I'm not opposed to putting the working ones back in (the 2 that are fried aren't going back in my panel) but this was done as a troubleshooting step.
  11. correct, it goes from the meter (pole) to a junction box on the outside of my house, that's where the pole, the house, and the garage all tie together. from there it either goes in the house, or into buried cable that goes out to the pole barn.
  12. LOL, I agree with Clay on everything he said. There's a reason why I set my alarm for once an hour and walk the house to make sure nothing has burnt up as well as have only the essentials running and all other breakers turned off and things unplugged. luckily we are getting a few cool days and I'm hoping that by the time that it warms up this weekend, this issue will be resolved. (or we remove our unreplacables and go away on a vacation and let the place burn down) jk
  13. LOL, I hear ya. Last night, everything was dry and we'd notice lights flickering / dimming and the fans slowing and speeding up. I'm not sure how intermittent it is to be honest as we have almost everything except for the essentials turned off up to the house at this point. It is 2 hots and a neutral, at the pole, there's a ground wire that connects to it, and in the basement, there again is a ground wire that connects inside the box to the ground / neutral bars that are bonded together at the bottom. One thing that was brought up to me this morning, as right before the power goes into the house, the power is connected to an electric line that goes out to the garage out back. My question is since that electric spike obviously carried itself out back to the garage, how can I test that electric wire going back to the garage to see if that is the failure point? The electric company was able to hook a machine up at the side of the house, but they won't do it for the garage because it goes into the panel.
  14. Got ahold of a local electric company (the owner works some crazy hours) and he asked me a bunch of questions over the phone and said it for sure has to be a neutral problem. He's coming out tomorrow afternoon to hopefully figure out what's going on.
  15. I'm done trying to troubleshoot this myself. I need a GOOD electrician who can figure this out. It's been going on for far too long and I'm really not interested in my house burning down. Anyone know of a GOOD electrician? This shit needs to be tracked down and fixed and apparently, I'm not doing a good job of finding one who can track this issue down.
  16. yes, the microwave is on it's own breaker. I would agree, I think something else is going on here. I just have absolutely no idea what. The electric company did cut the power to the house to do their testing. I also looked in the meter tonight and there actually isn't even a ground wire run from the box into the house. There is a ground on the side of the house, but the ground and neutral are tied together in the box. Because of this, I'm not really sure what a ground rod next to the sub panel would even do for me. Honestly at this point, we are all just taking guesses. No one can find anything wrong. All connections coming to and from the house are tight, everything in the box is tight. We replaced the Arc Fault breakers with standard breakers tonight just to see if my issues persist or go away. 2 of the arc fault breakers actually smelled burnt. (the one in the dining room where absolutely nothing is plugged in and the one in the master bedroom where everything is behind surge protectors) At this point, I've had 3 separate electricians through my house as well as the electric company and no one can find an issue.
  17. Morrow county has no codes... and I've now had 4 certified professionals all tell me the same thing, get rid of the arc fault breakers. Another suggestion I got was to put a ground rod onto my sub panel for the hot tub and pool. (I have ground rods for the pool already, but no ground rods going directly into the sub panel.) I did notice that we had a little bit of rain just now and my UPS decided to beep at me telling me that there was a drop in voltage. Not really sure what could have caused that besides that the UPS is running off of one of the Arc fault breakers. I'm thinking my next steps would be to replace the breakers and put a ground rod onto that sub panel.
  18. the random power flux is any weather, when shit start popping, it was saturday when we had some rain. Nothing was flooded, but the ground was wet
  19. Electric company came back out, they tested the lines from the pole to the house, etc... said lines test fine. They put a meter that measures load and put load on it... came out fine. They said the transformer is overloaded in the winter time, but summer it's fine. They put me on a list to replace the transformer, but said the transformer shouldn't be the issue. They did recommend that I get rid of the Arc Fault breakers as soon as possible. I'm thinking that's my next step at this point.
  20. electric company just came out. Of course nothing was acting up...said he's going to go back through my usage history and see what he sees, but said everything looks good... trying to blame the cable going to the house as the issue... said the neutral wire might be getting destroyed since it's a buriable. He's going to put a voltage tester on the line as well as have someone go and take a look at the transformer. He also recommended that I get rid of the Arc Fault breakers in the house. Said they've been known to cause problems. Stay tuned. It doesn't really seem like I'm making much progress other than I replaced alot of the damaged stuff yesterday and the power has come back to at least normal results. He did ask if we had a lightning strike or something which I don't know the answer to.
  21. I spoke with my wife, she said she will call them 3 times a day until they fix it. (she doesn't work so she has the time to do it.)
  22. LOL, ya we unplugged most things except for tv. I'm running off of battery for my laptop so let's hope that turning my Macbook brightness down will keep it going.
  23. electrician I spoke with said the oncall guy will find every reason in the world to not climb up on the pole to replace the transformer and I will end up getting billed the 150 for sure. I've unplugged most things of value and turned off the breakers. Guy said Consolidated Electric is really bad about that and I'm better off just waiting until tomorrow.
  24. just had another electrician come out, He checked everything, said everything is wired right and tight. Said he thinks that it's the transformer as well. I've called the electric company but they aren't going to come out until tomorrow unless I'm willing to pay the 150 dollar "on call" fee. I've now had 3 separate electricians come out and tell me the same thing, they think it's on the electric companies side. When your parents had these issues, did the electric company replace the items that they damaged? So far my battery backup sump pump system is fried ($500), 11 LED light fixtures at 29.99 a piece, blueray surround sound ($500), cable box ($?), roku 3 ($99), random electrical outlets, the outdoor lighting in the garage, and 5 arc fault breakers are now fried. That's just what I've found so far... I'm at a loss how a company that i pay for is going to charge me to come out on the weekend and they are saying this is because I have power even though lights dim and flicker, etc....
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