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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. no, that subpanel goes out the house, travels through 2 deck joists, then up into conduit to the sub panel. Total distance traveled maybe 10 feet.
  2. service is over head until it gets to my property, then it's underground. I'm in the country, the construction would be on my property and no construction or digging.
  3. I also called the electric company today and they said it would be 150 dollars if they decided it was on my end instead of theirs so I'm trying to make sure it's not on my end before I risk shelling out more money and then still having to pay an electrician to come out and fix this mess.
  4. I live in the country, Houses aren't too close to each other. I spoke with a buddy who used to do electric many moons ago and he said that country homes because of the distance between them, it's not uncommon to have your own transformer. He also said though that transformers normally go out in a blaze of glory and don't just start failing like it sounds mine is doing. I did reach out to my neighbors tonight and none of them have had any issues and have been home all day so they would have noticed.
  5. sub panel that services the hot tub and swimming pool. We had a 60 amp sub panel already out there, but the wiring was on the small side to service the hot tub alone, let alone the pool as well, so we replaced it with Aluminum 2-2-2-4 (I think... it's thick ass wire, so don't quote me if it's 2-2-2-4 or 4-2-2-2 or something like that...) We put a new sub panel out there, put in wiring that can handle more than what we'd ever throw at it, and replaced the 60 amp service that was going to the sub panel with 100 amp breaker to that panel. The sub panel has 50 amp GFCI to the hot tub, then a 20AMP GFCI to the pool, and then an additional 20 amp outlet in case we need to plug anything in. it's all in weather proof box.
  6. Yes, took off the front panel on the box in the basement, there's 2 legs, left and right.... the right leg at one point dropped down to 60, but did come back up to 120'ish for both sides. I'm hoping what I'm saying makes sense.
  7. I had a guy out today (the guy who helped me wire the new hot tub / pool service panel) and he said that he thinks it's a transformer issue as well. I'm worried that there's an issue with the wiring for the hot tub / pool. I pulled out the breaker for the hot tub / pool as well as removed the neutral and ground wire from the neutral bar and the issue still happens, so I'm pretty sure it's not the new box but would love a 2nd opinion.
  8. You are saying Neutral coming into the house like the house ground? It wouldn't be a wiring issue inside the box or house? We had a new electrical box wired for a hot tub and pool last Wednesday (just ran a thicker gauge wire and replaced the existing box that was out there), but things started going south today not Wednesday.
  9. Something bad is going on with the electric in my house and I need professional help with it. Who does everyone recommend? Some of the things that it's doing: just now, my wife turned on the microwave and her fan in the bedroom spun up like it was turned on high until the microwave turned off then it went back down. The UPS keeps beeping like it's detecting voltage changes a ARFCI breaker in the panel got smoked the GFCI breaker at the sump pump keeps tripping if you plug anything into it. (replaced sump pump.. now back to normal) the ARFCI breakers in the box just randomly trips. 11 LED "can" lights got fried tonight as in smoked them (blew a hole in the side of them) (at 30 dollars a piece) my 3d Blueray player got smoked lights have been flickering the 2 legs in the panel in the basement seem to fluctuate. It almost acts like a voltage regulator is bad except my house doesn't have a voltage regulator, so I don't know. I need a professional to come fix this as I'm lost and I don't want my house to burn down nor can I afford to have anything else get ruined.
  10. where are you located? I'd love to have the stereo
  11. I have a 27 inch AOC monitor and have been really impressed with it. Good luck with your sale! hell of a price!
  12. too bad it's not newer. I've wanted to upgrade to the 15 inch. Good luck with the sale.
  13. I might be interested... my buddy has been bugging me to get a PS4. I'll hit you up later. gotta think about it more.
  14. smokin5s


    dude, she has an awesome body and is hot as hail... seriously, I have no idea what you're thinking.
  15. I can be in Marion in 20 minutes
  16. I live up in the area that you're looking... look in Marengo.. look for a property with a trailer on it. sell the trailer, build there... you save alot of money because you don't ahve to deal with the water lines, electric, and septic... trust me, that's what I did and saved a ton of money. PM me if you need help or more info. Also check out the site http://www.auction.com
  17. I always just order slag out or Marion
  18. honestly, I use Scioto Valley, they've always done me right
  19. sounds good. I will have to check my schedule and get back to you.
  20. Where did I say I was paying her education? I think I've said the exact opposite. But I will help her if I can, and help is also helping her get her financial aid in order. I paid my own way through school and I think that's a good thing considering I remember seeing kids in school that got a free ride from their parents didn't take school nearly as seriously as I did.
  21. We have not claimed her since she was under the age of 17. When we had our taxes done for 2014, she had turned 17, so our CPA said we no longer get a child credit... we did not claim her for 2014 or 2015. We are trying to fill it out online and it's not letting her not put my salary in.
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