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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. ok, I'm getting tired of people bashing the president... I don't like his choices anymore than the next guy... BUT he is our elected official and we should stand by his descisions... if you don't like him... get your ass to the poles and vote against him. I made the mistake for not voting last election... this time I'll be damned if I miss voting to vote against him... that was my fault for missing... I'm getting sick of people bashing our country or it's political leaders.... if you don't like what's going on... register to vote and vote against the people you don't agree with.. OR better yet.... run for election.... get your ass in office and make a difference. I'm not bashing anyone in particular.. I'm just tired of hearing the same shit over and over.. I'm justas much to blame cause I do the same thing... but it gets to a point where you shit or get off the pot... this is that time.... if you don't like something.. do something to change it... /rant mode off smile.gif
  2. I could not find info on this radio anywhere. Did you get the model number wrong?
  3. Dang, I actually agree with Joe Dude, you've fallen for a marketing ploy.. sorry to tell ya.... Hondas are like any other pushrod motor... except they are slower tongue.gifsmile.gif my ex still calls me all the time asking me to work on her Honduh Accord (which seems to have something wrong with it every other weekend) Here's a homework assignment for you... look around on the streets... do you see any more early 80's Honduh's than any other type of early 80's car? or hell... let's get daring... even early 90's...? NOPE.... I actually see less early 90's Civic's or Accords than I do 1st gen Eagle Talons or Mitsubishi Eclipses.... now, I'm not dogging on Honduh's or anything.... I originally posted that they suck just picking fun cause.. well, that's what I do... but you really should look around... MARKETING OWNZ J00!
  4. that's one of the most retarded things I've ever heard.... why in would they try to break a record like that? Oh well... at least we got to see some bewbs tongue.gif
  5. ok, you have my number... just give me a call and I'll snap some pics for ya.
  6. ok, you have my number... just give me a call and I'll snap some pics for ya.
  7. Want to be in line also Inspeckta, does that come with 2 controllers? any mods?
  8. Hondas Suck! ok, now this page is complete tongue.gif
  9. ummm.... that has to be a joke... you naturally want to have sex... it didn't take anyone telling me how to have sex for me to know what to do.
  10. typically, I see the mullet wearing missing teeth rednecks driving mustangs or trucks back on topic, a buddy of mine has a white camaro. He was hit last fall (clipped on 161, spun around, hit a concrete wall, sun around again and hit it again causing his car to get all messed up) That was not him that hit your buddy, so if you see a white '95 camaro that's pretty beat up with a black hood and spoiler that's not the guy you're looking for.
  11. haha... after reading that, all I can picture is Dave Chapelle in one of his crack cocaine skits.
  12. smokin5s

    2.2 joy ride

    that sux.... it's amazing how stupid kids are... quite possibly the kids that did it are on CR, with 4000 members, who knows.
  13. dang, we're getting over run! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! j/k welcome to the board!
  14. smokin5s


    that's cool.. I forgot this is a ford not a chevy smile.giftongue.gif /Flame suit on I'm just kidding... nice car! Bring it out to Norwalk this fall for COFBA Norwalk day. smile.gif
  15. you'd have to pay me to drive that gas hog... it's tacky looking... now the bike... I'd kill myself on that for free... I mean, I'd drive that thing for free
  16. XBOX is for weeknights.... get drunk and hit on fine women is for the weekends smile.gif .... ok, look at fine women tongue.gif
  17. Nick, get ahold of me, I'll snap a few with my digi camera. Why are you selling the Civic?
  18. Nick, get ahold of me, I'll snap a few with my digi camera. Why are you selling the Civic?
  19. no shit... we have games to play
  20. smokin5s


    welcome. Beware of Leghumpers. Is your car tuned well? don't get me wrong, those numbers aren't bad, but I'm surprised they aren't higher with a KB SC and engine work.
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