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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. I can put either on it.... it came with Mountian Lion on it, I removed it and just put Lion on it, but it can be reloaded with Mountian Lion if you'd like. (Mountian Lion will come with iLife as well I believe)
  2. I have a late model 2008 macbook air for sale. it is not the 1st generation, it is the second which has faster memory, a better video car with more vram. it also has a BRAND NEW battery and BRAND NEW 128GB SSD hard drive. The laptop has been great, but I have too many electronic devices and I need to consolidate. I will put pictures of it up later but it looks like a MacBook Air... I would possibly be up for a trade situation depending on what kind of trade.
  3. get an extended battery and a case... the "stock" battery kinda sucks. rooting it is a snap, I think I had mine rooted in less than 5 minutes. I use Dolphin browser and its awesome. there's a game called gem journey, it's so addicting it's not funny... I've been playing it several hours a day for the past week.
  4. that's what insurance is for... nothing wrong with getting your medical paid for via auto insurance... any more than that plus getting property repaired is ridiculous...
  5. get paid???? WTF dude, accidents happen! I'm glad Jake is ok but people that are sue happy just drive me crazy.
  6. I used him several times last year.... he's a little hard to get ahold of, but prices are good, and he's a good guy and his wood burned well unlike some other people I purchased from that wouldn't burn worth a shit
  7. anyone know anything about Treca Digital Academy? That is what her guidance counselor is recommending. I looked up reviews online and it didn't look impressive but was hoping that someone might know more first hand experience.
  8. check out craigslist, there's a few posts with people wanting to trade.
  9. it's not ECOT that they are looking at, I can't remember the name of the place but will ask later when my wife wakes up...
  10. it's sad that I looked up the value of the car... so pretty much a 500 dollar BJ... sounds like a bargin!
  11. Vince, I would appreciate any contacts you have as well as any good info.
  12. Our education system is failing us
  13. home schooled online or by parents?
  14. honestly her current school is horrible as well.... no lie, she's going to be a junior this year in high school and she didn't even know who the first president was or how to write in cursive. but online schooling is only 2 hours a day? WTF????
  15. Does anyone have any experience with home schooling? If so, can you please help give me more info. My step daughter has some how convinced my wife to let her be home schooled and I'm trying to find out more info on it. Please keep in mind, my wife has zero abilities to teach her so it would need to be all online. Any info would be appreciaited.
  16. I really like that trailer... I might be in touch if my buddy still wants to buy my trailer.
  17. Stern said on his show today that it wasn't his guys who did this but wished it was.
  18. I am "Mr World" (the plates are an inside joke) to fix some of the misconceptions here, I only lifted my shirt because it's 92 degrees outside and I was hot... it is not my fault that you were intimidated by my rock hard abs. and I was parked in the handicap spot because I was helping a lady get out of her van because the chair lift in her van was broken and her care taker asked me to help her get her out. I figured she was old and didn't have much time left and who am I to not let the elderly woman "get her chipolte on" the kid was a tool bag and just looking for a fight.
  19. Red Barn Bed and buscuit... it's in osterander, the lady isn't cheap, but she's awesome!
  20. Microsoft Security Essentials is what's on all my windows laptops except for my work one which is running Trend. I've had good luck with it.
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