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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. it's not gloss... it's just a plastic type of surface.
  2. honestly, it's so shallow that I can't feel the scratch with my finger but I can see it go all across the glovebox. I kind of like your idea of the airbrush... how expensive are those and how hard is it to do? I looked on ebay and could not find anything for a 2008 Altima Glovebox.
  3. go to Microcenter, they have a generic no name brand that is USB and I think it was like 9.99 or something... I picked one up last year and it still seems to be working... I think the brand name was Trendent.
  4. My sister just got it and said that it was awesome... I can ask if her if she's willing to mail it to me, but her living in Tx who knows if she will or not.
  5. so my lease is up in another moth and there's about an 8 inch long very shallow scratch across my glove box and I was wondering if there is an easy way to get rid of that scratch so I don't get raped trying to turn the car back in... any ideas?
  6. this is why I carry everywhere but work... my family's protection is my number one priority.
  7. Necklace with our kids birthstones in it Gps Labie blanket Frames filled with family pictures Typical bath and body works and victories secret stuff Ds game And some other random stuff
  8. The live life to it's fullest is great when you are single and don't have responsibility but when you get married and have kids, putting food on the table and a roof over their head is way more important than taking risks or moving on a whim... Kids need roots and stability... Your dreams no long matter when it comes to what's best for your kids.
  9. no issues so far, but if I do ever get pulled over, I will make sure to let them know if I am or am not carrying... regardless if I have to or not, I would hate to get shot because they pull it up on my plates and I happen to move to my glovebox or something for my registration and the cop thinks I'm reaching for a gun... I am worried about my wife however since all of our vehicles are in my name and she has a lead foot....
  10. I know this car is sold, but figured I'd post on here that it is a HUGE PAIN IN THE ASS and worth whatever someone charges to do it.
  11. I know there's alot of hipoint haters, but everyone I've talked to that's owned one has had outstanding luck with them... and I love my 45ACP... You can buy one new for around 130.... it's like a sore dick, you can't beat it.
  12. sounds spot on for me... I played for about 10 years and went through many teachers because I was somewhat of a "prodegy" when it came to learning the piano and I quickly outgrew my teachers which in turn made my parents push me more and more into it... when I turned 18, I dropped it and never turned back. Since then I've only touched a piano a handful of times and at times really regret dropping it like that and have thought about getting back into it because my 13 year old has expressed interest in playing.
  13. Piano isn't the easiest instrument in the world to learn. But you can definately learn it. If you're serious, you will want to actually hire a piano teacher.
  14. the birth wasn't that bad, the brown shit floating around when the water breaks is the part that grossed me out most.
  15. 90 dollars a month with time warner... ditch the phone service and get Ooma
  16. what if it's already shaved off? j/k
  17. go figure he'd spew religious bullshit... that battle had nothing to do with religion... shame on that fucker for trying to twist things around.
  18. Wife and I typically go there for just about any special ocassion... although it used to be easier to go there when we lived around the corner... now out in bum fuck egypt we don't get there as much :-(
  19. by far go to Milano's on East Broad Street... especially this time of year, they will have both fire places going. You can call ahead and reserve a table by the fire place. The owner is a really cool guy, he'll take care of you.
  20. we have a side by side in our garage, I haven't checked it to see if it has any issues and this is our first winter with a fridge in our garage.
  21. I need to clean the carb out of mine, it's sat for a few years...
  22. Dr Xbox, look at my post I made about xbox's
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