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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. Contests man! I was in your shoes 2 weeks ago today... Get used to no sleep!
  2. moded? and what type of surround sound? if its junk we dont want it
  3. my sister is in town and wants a moded old school xbox... does anyone have one they are wanting to get rid of?
  4. I have this exact pistol and absolutely love it... it is hands down the most accurate and reliable pistol I've ever owned, this thing has never jammed on me.
  5. absolutely nothing. well it just doesn't display any results.
  6. didn't work and I did remove the space you left in Appending
  7. I'm not good at this stuff, where would I put ForAppending at?
  8. so I'm trying to write an easy vbs file that will take the contents of a directory and write them into a txt file... this part is easy, but for some reason, my code erases whatever was in the txt file before it was ran and I want it to just append to the end of the file... can someone please help? On Error Resume Next Dim fso, folder, files, NewsFile,sFolder Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") sFolder = "C:\test" If sFolder = "" Then Wscript.Echo "No Folder parameter was passed" Wscript.Quit End If Set NewFile = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\test1\FileList.txt", True) Set folder = fso.GetFolder(sFolder) Set files = folder.Files For each folderIdx In files NewFile.WriteLine(folderIdx.Name) Next NewFile.Close
  9. 20 inch tube is fine. Just looking for something for our spare bedroom
  10. Is this still for your foot?
  11. and all I can bitch about is my dog pissed on the carpet in our new house... stupid dog!
  12. I wanna see her nekkid
  13. when you live with your parents OR a cheap apartment with roomates, you can afford stuff like this.
  14. If you flashed your drive I heard it fucks that up. Can anyone confirm?
  15. I'm emptying my storage unit today, I will let you know what I find
  16. slips in 4th gear, brand new valve body (cost me 200 something) just want this out of my storage unit... come bring me a case of beer and take it off my hands. Came out of a 98 Blazer LS 4x4
  17. I'm a pack rat and would box it up and put it in the basement which is probably what I will do when my parents pass... but with that being said, everything that I've held onto and don't use, I feel better once I get rid of it. Hell I have a whole storage unit full of shit that more than likely half of will end up going to charity because I have no use for it. don't sit and harbor on their loss... move on with your life. Remember energy never dies, it just changes form. I at least find a little comfort in that.
  18. thus why no sex... she needs to stay in there at least another week so I get everything done for the new house.
  19. girl, and we are going to St Ann's... what about you?
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