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Posts posted by villision1647545496

  1. I just read somehting about him in the dispatch yesterday about him. I guess he just turned 66 or something like that.


    Nevertheless, It had 5 facts about norris.


    One. His tears cure carncer, but he never cries.


    Two. Norris doesn't go hunting, hunting suggest failure. Norris doesn't fail. Therefore, Norris goes KILLING.


    That is all I can remember. I think, forsure somebody on this forum wrote that article.



  2. Funny buschur made the same power with the 2.0 as AMS did with the 2.3, as well as buschurs graph looks a lot nicer too.


    Yes and no. BUTCHER, did indeed produce a better looking graph. However, horsepower level are not he same. If you look at the graph, it says Uncorrected. Had it been corrected it may of only been 860 or so. I do beleive AMS car made 932 uncorrected.


    Butcher, is also running a bigger turbo(which is cool as shit).



  3. Powers are you sure Garrett doesn't have a GT45R? That is what the Hks T-51R SPL is based off of. Nevertheless here are some links about the Garrett G45R






    (down below) Read under Ed Bergenholtz small little profile. It says what turbo he Runs.




    That is one nasty evo, I can't beleive it is spooling that big of a fucking turbo, jesus.



  4. Yes that counts as Ghey. This one story does not make or break a person. This is why people have issues with you.


    I am such a douche bag that you asked several times not but a month ago "so can we be friends and hang out?" And I told you it was wierd to come out and say that kind of stuff.



    Now there you go being a douschebag, LOL. It is plain and clear to me now, you are a liar, Never once did I ask to hang out with you, let alone ask it a second time.


    You sent me a PM wanting to know my AIM addy. Then once you and I got our shit straight I then asked if It was cool if I hit you up on AIM.


    Dude, don't be gay, keep it fucking real. I do it all the time, I am a shit talker, that is me, that will never change.



  5. So Ty once your site is found I hope you are not talking shit where people can't read it becasue that is the gheyest thing you could do.



    I called you and sam a Dousche bag, Does that count? Hoever that was before I started to beleive you guys.


    Quoted from me.


    "Personally, I beleive John, Trevor, and Kyle. Sam and Greg are douschebags, granted I have never met Linn, So I can't say anything about him. They always think they are better than everyone else. Basically, you have to fit(and Molded) into their clique to get along with them. You basically, have to have gobs of money into your car, be a nice car, not shit talk to them, and dress preppy. Nobody on this forum meets all of those "qualifications". My thoughts on them, fuck em.





  6. Sam, I will do that.


    Greg, Yes we still have a "sweet car forum" However it isn't Marion fishing. It was actually going to be changed to 40Roll.com However, due to some lurkers reading our forum, it was taken from us, before we had a chance to change it. Nevertheless, it is still sweet, see we actually go out and race. Unlike just talking about it here. I mean seriously, making up shit talking threads so the benchracers can have something to talk aboutduring the winter is cool. That is actually a great idea, however, how does that vary from any other time of year?


    Nevertheless, I will send the msg. Here is the latest from what his story is. Greg you will love it.



    Quoted from Hatched

    "that guy is a fucking joke and his story isnt even close to right, but hey if they have to lie and pick on some 17 year old kids to look cool, more power to them. And if he thinks the girl saying thanks to him like she wanted him and hes a big bada ass, ask her who got some? fatty that got a thank you? or the tools that brought her? the fact is they try to talk so much shit when all they did was made asses of themselves, they are 20 years old and older and they are the biggest ricers ever, the one guy tried to race us in his jeep, and then proceeded to get on it when he left. If that is CR's finest, then there a bunch of jokes, yeah there cars may be fast but there still clowns."





  7. Back to topic, according the "16yo"'s point of the story, Greg and Sam are blowing this way out of proportion. Supposedly, the kid said he is driving this, becuase he had(this is the keyword, had is past tense) a mustang, however he had(there is that word again) wrecked it. He said nothing of bringing it down.


    Here is a quote from one of the kids point of views.





    The guy wouldn't do it for fun, so john put up the 20 bucks, 20 bucks is 20 bucks. And i would have put up the 20 to just to lose to a dsm on 20 psi and brake spooling by a bumper, I never said any names (Larry's) nor did i say anything about his vette, a 2003 Z06 was brought up and then they all started talking shit. John never said his stang would beat any of there cars, they dogged on him for having a honda and he got redneck and said he had a foxbody. The 3 guys were a bunch of jokes, they started bragging about random when we were arguing about the ones at hand. The fact of the matter is, 40 pull, no break spooling fair start, john had him by a car and a half, Break spooling with dsm getting the jump he got john by a bumper. The guy then proceeding to bust out a line from the fast and the furious, stating " A win is a win" The DSM guy talked so much trash he said he had an LS1 camaro 6 speed but when u asked him questions he'd stutter to answer them then not say anything at all.




    Moral of the Story is that a bunch of clowns represented CR to the fullest

    Wednesday night.




    Ok so why not race a DSM in a N/A honda, for the love of all gods he was runnin 20lbs. and won by a bumper, i would shoot myself then proceed to run the peice of shit off a cliff, that is a discrace to all DSM's. And no im not putting down DSM's."


    Somebody, is telling stories, so who is it?



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