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Posts posted by villision1647545496

  1. Would you expect anything different coming from Marion? Ohh well. Nevertheless, it was quite humorous.


    Edit: Ohh and not that anybody cares, but the info on the "10.60" vette is wrong, as you all know. If it is the vette that is infamous around here, which is relation to one of the kids, it runs 11.20's @ 124. It has all that the kid said, however he failed to mention the 125 shot it is equipped with.



  2. What the Fuck, Jesus Fucking Christ. It was fucking bad that I had to see his weiner, but that Shit was fucking off the charts. It was bad enough that I watch it(about 60%), but what is worst is that you posted it. You just lost your privledges to post.



  3. This is assuming that the car does not have a knock sensor feedback loop, which is incorrect. The combustion chamber design, cam timing, and ecu tune are all designed to run ideally on 91 octane for the stock 1.8T as well as the 2.8 V6. On 87 octane, the car does knock, and the ecu does pull timing, which of course decreases power.


    In the end, the non-ideal timing levels (and decreased torque production) can end up giving you worse fuel economy, because your brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) just went up. The car now requires a larger volume of air (and of course fuel) to accelerate at the same rate as with the 91 octane timing curve.


    Also, during light load cruising the ecu reads the O2 sensor in closed loop, and trims fuel to reach the 14.67:1 stoichiometric afr target as needed. As mentioned above, at these levels less timing=less torque production, which means the throttlebody must be opened further to maintain say 65 mph because of the once again higher BSFC with 87 octane. A larger volume of air requires a larger volume of fuel to maintain stoich, therefore the mileage is slightly decreased for this reason as well.


    So in this case, although not exactly ideal, the 87 octane will not damage her engine if she is just driving it normal like most people out there, because the ecu will pull timing to eliminate knock damage. However, she could be losing some gas mileage for the reasons listed above regarding BSFC depending on how she drives. Anything above 91 octane would definitely be a waste for normal driving though.


    Edit: Joe beat me to it.


    OK I wrong. However, on an aftermarket ecu(aem, apex'i) would I be correct?



  4. Yeah, it definately runs like shit and has NO power on 87 octane.



    IN theory the car should make more power on 87. Like if you have a race-gas tune on a street car/racecar, then only use 87, you will make more power. However with that igntion that advaced from the tune, good bye motor. So yeah, you have more power but it only last about 1 run if you are lucky enough to get that in. Moral of the story, fuel does matter, but not on your level, stock everything. Audi engineers, have the stock ecu tuned for it.


    You are fine.



  5. My friends u-tec did something like that to him all the time. His always did it when he tried to update his firm-ware. Nevertheless, this makes little to no sense to me. I don't understand what a turbo-timer would do to a u-tec to make it do that. But what I really don't understand is why the car was knocking. The u-tec base-map runs little to no timing and is pig-fucking rich. With that is mind, how does a car knock when those aspects are present?



  6. Hellmuth is the man, what are you guys talking about. Becuase of his antics many people started getting involved with poker. He is cocky and arrogant, can you blame him., he was the youngest to ever win the main event. He is still one of the best in poker.


    Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Josh Ariah, and Daniel Nagreaneu(sp?) Are my favorites.



  7. John, sorry to hear about that, hopefully the winter build-up goes extremely smooth. This way you can forget about this non-sence. Did you have a plate system or single point? Maybe you had a faulty solenoid, nitrous stuck? I highly doubt it puddled on you. Nevertheless, I am sorry about your misfortune, Just use it to your advantage and go stupid (Yeah, I already know you said you are going bigger, I just want to emphasize it).



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