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Posts posted by villision1647545496

  1. Denny, you are in the wrong here. Man up and take it. Don't continue to talk shit. I have many excuses as to why I don't want to drive my car this year, yes. Plain and simple I dont' want to leave it alone. Ohh, I went 13.1 in my non torque monster in some "road huggers" I do beleive it is some brand x of walkmart all-seasons, So who cares what was on your car. Ohh, and my car has torque, not a piss-ton of it and certainly not at the low-end. I mean torque is just hp x rpm right? Denny just leave it alone, ok. It just upset me that you degraded some of your so-called internet buddies.



  2. Ok, so? You are still telling me that the Vette with 150 shot only runs 13.9. Either he is lieing, and it doesn't have a 150 shot. Or you are lieing, and it is faster than 13.9.



    He just doesn't spray it, I dont' know why, his car I guess.


    To sprx19, Wow, a 12.6 subie, that is a good trap for 108, I would like to think a stock c5 without any mods could trap 108. Exactly my point, when you say your two cars, are they of the three. He only has a timeslip of 13.9 and 13.7. There are about 15 different cars on the forum that has either matched that or beat that. That is my point. What does it matter if I raced anyone this year, I still have several timeslips faster than his.



  3. As I have said time and time again. Bush and Kerry were kinda like being forced to have aids or herpies. I knew I was not going to like having either one, but was sure I could live with herpies so I voted Kerry. Bush is the equivelant of aids and is killing us quickly.


    When I was in NYC last week standing on walstreet watching the US debt climb over 25 trillion I about puked. I know it was down around the 6.5 mark when Clinton left office.


    Now explain to me how Kerry is more of a fucktard than Bush is???


    25 tril is a lot of money, however. Do you remember that really small issue about 5 years ago. It wasn't all the big or anything, I think it happened on 9/11. PonyFreak, sorry for being rude, but many things have happened since clinton was in office. The towers falling, that took alot of money rebuilding. Well and we have been currently policing the world to attempt to keep you and I safe on our soil. Policing the world is stupid expensive. I do not wish to get into a debate whether or not we should police the world or what not.


    Truthfully I hate bush moreso than most people on this forum. But the debt he can not take all the credit for.



  4. Linn,


    Why is it you are in the kitchen the most? Do you get frequent flyer miles for such activity? If so, you just won a round trip to Japan.


    In all seriousness, are they humping your leg or what man, just brush it off, fuck em.



  5. Originally posted by MadMalibu:

    Linn's a living legend...didnt you get the memo?




    I thought that was Sonny(sp?), or that might just be what he claims whenever a camera is on him.



    Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

    Hollywood, you're a fucking moron. Before you crawl back into your fucking hole, consider the following:


    1. I've never seen Linn turn down a reasonable race. Of course, he's not doing to roll race liter bikes (though he has, BTW), though plenty of the bike guys with liter bikes like to needle him (in a joking manner mostly) about racing them.


    2. I've never heard Linn make one excuse for losing. Oh, and if you're trying to reference the Kenny-on-nitrous-but-not-really-on-nitrous thing here, forget it; he wasn't making an excuse, he was just a little steamed over the thought that Kenny sprayed him. (Note: we all know that Kenny didn't spray him, and we all know that Linn nor Kenny nor anyone else cares at this point about that.)


    3. No one starts a thread in The Kitchen and then claims they aren't "trying to get anything started." If you didn't want to start shit, you would have just PMed Linn in the first place. Nice try at oneupmanship, you fuck. So, DJ, contrary to his request to lock and delete this thread, keep it open so this fuck can get the flaming he's earned.


    4. Your hustling skills are the suck. "Hey's let's race for $50. I suck, though, so it'll be easy money for you. So, what do you say?" Fuck you and your piss ass $50 dollars. It costs more to fill up my gas tank, jackass.


    5. Fuck off.

    Don't hold back, say what you really mean to him. I would hate to see you have a heart attack due to this fuck.



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