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Posts posted by caseyctsv

  1. The skyline GTRs have a legacy behind their engineering and racing heriatage. If nissan badge it a skyline GTR, then it will be a performance god. It lapped the Nurburgring Nordschleife in 7:38sec with parts of the track still wet.


    It should for the price.

  2. I have a Chase card - it EFT'd out of my account with no fee. Not sure where the disconnect is.


    I do know if you need it paid immediately - ie you did not allow 2-3 days for the payment to post they charge you a fee to have the payment done immediately.

  3. For those that dont have complete understanding here is an example...




    Believe it or not... I have never been to the Hoover Dam in Ohio just the one in Nevada. So I would be up for that.


    That look sweet - i am game!

  4. I know this code is most likely an O2 sensor. It says it is for "Bank 1". Which side is this - driver or passenger? I had planned on replacing both O2 sensors on whichever side this is.
  5. Lets not, because the SEC school that goes to the title game verus us would make it another lop sided affair.


    Yeah we might as well just throw in the towel. If we play OUR brand of football we can play with any of them. Maybe it is the rose colored glasses I am wearing but what happened last year was an exception. I don't see that happeneing to a Tress-coached team again anytime soon. Bri9ng on the Tigers or the Gators (assuming we take care of our business which is not a forgone conclusion!)

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