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Posts posted by caseyctsv

  1. I have to say it has been a long 21/2 weeks. It feels like I have been unemployed for 3 months. It was worth it though, I landed a great job with JP Morgan Chase today.


    I have a whole new appreciation for those out of work involuntarily.


    Best news - the T/A is not going anywhere. In fact, I got a signing bonus that will pay it off and leave a chunk left over (I think the mod bug is coming)

  2. Dan and I went a couple years ago like every year. I think he entered the Mach or the 90 Im not sure (least I thought.. been too long ago) Im going. I will get you the info and call you later on if someone doesnt post it today! We can meet up and head out there together if ya want too.


    Hit me up and let me know when you are going - I will see what the "boss" has planned. I think Friday is best for me.

  3. They did not have any timeouts left. It was the right play. Why scramble to make a go ahead FG.


    Wrong. They should have snapped the ball, QB could run around a bit and heave it out of the end zone to stop the clock. Michigan should never have had a chance to kick the FG. They were close enough the QB could have thrown it in to the stands. Only risk was the snap.

  4. Talking about the past.... not this years. If you read my original post you would have gotten that.


    You cannot be serious. How many CURRENT stars do we need to list for you before you go away?


    I hated to see Michigan lose ONLY because of the effect it will have on the Buckeyes at the end of the season. I pull for all Big Ten schools. You have to - the Big Ten is a joke right now. Lloyd Carr needs to go - they were not ready for that game.

  5. If their defense can manage to perform to a mediocre level



    Not going to happen. The Bengals can score points, but will HAVE to. Offenss are going to shred their defense.


    The Steelers are not a true contender but will be much better than the media thinks. Ben = 1 yr wonder - it was actually 2 seasons - his third was the stinker. I think he will rebound if our O-Line is at least decent (I am not sure it is).


    I think it is the Chargers year.

  6. Hows it going to feel finishing in last place and being worse than the browns this year? Get ready for your 5-11 season!! :finger:


    You need to have your car's exhaust checked. I think you must have an exhaust leak that is killing brain cells.

  7. You said ZO6, not 7. Hmmkay ;-)


    My point was the Z06 runs with the GT already. The GT is faster but not by much. A good driver in a Z06 will out run a bad driver in the GT. Keep in mind the Z06 is 1/2 the price of a Ford GT.


    What it really boils down to is LSx > *



  8. Uhhh, Ford no longer sells the GT. And when they did, people were paying OVER MSRP for them.


    There are 51 Ford GT's listed on Autotrader right now. The lowest price: $125,000. BTW, it has a salvage title. :) Tack on another 30k to get to the 2nd lowest price. But good luck on buying one for 100k.


    And I still say that the Z07 will own the GT in performance -


    A couple posted "put down the crack pipe" and "it's getting deep in here" - I want to know where I am mistaken.

  9. Just to show I am not pulling this stuff out of thin air as some who have posted obviously have. They drank to much Ford-flavored Kool Aid -


    2006 Z06


    3151 pounds


    505 HP


    1/4 - 11.6 at 126.6 MPH


    0-60 - 4.0


    2006 Ford GT


    3497 pounds


    550 HP


    1/4 - 11.5 at 128.7 MPH


    0-60 - 3.5


    That is a current Z06 - pretty close to a driver's race - 70K sticker vs 150K sticker. The new Z07 / SS / Stingray or whatever it is called will have 150 more horsepower and will be possibly even lighter than the Z06. All for a price STILL 25K+ less. You do the math.


    Keep in mind I am talking performance - the GT has it all in the looks department.

  10. 100K-125K plus!?! Hell, you can get a Ford GT for that much. I respect Corvette's and I know you can make them very fast, but for 100K+ you can do better.


    A Ford GT has trouble with a Z06. The GT will not touch the Z07 performance wise.

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