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Everything posted by caseyctsv

  1. caseyctsv


    I know this code is most likely an O2 sensor. It says it is for "Bank 1". Which side is this - driver or passenger? I had planned on replacing both O2 sensors on whichever side this is.
  2. It is nice but I find it hard to believe it is a 10 second car as it sits.
  3. Yeah we might as well just throw in the towel. If we play OUR brand of football we can play with any of them. Maybe it is the rose colored glasses I am wearing but what happened last year was an exception. I don't see that happeneing to a Tress-coached team again anytime soon. Bri9ng on the Tigers or the Gators (assuming we take care of our business which is not a forgone conclusion!)
  4. I think the CR sticker I put on mine pushed me into class C.
  5. First time I was at Norwalk I ran a 14.6 at 108. lol.
  6. Do you just avoid 1st all together? It becomes a "creeper" gear.
  7. I can help - let me know when / where.
  8. It's streetable...The AMC Boys
  9. LOL - star QB throwing INTs doesn't help either.
  10. Worse case scenario for the Bengals - the offense gets tires of having the defense let it down. Then they start to struggle - it could happen.
  11. Link works for me and I am not a member of Pro3800?
  12. http://www.3800pro.com/forum/showthread.php?t=16484
  13. Did anyone think, even for a second, the Bengals were going to stop the Seahawks on that final drive? Offense sells tickets, defense wins championships. I wonder if Chad Johnson and TJ Housyourmama can play D?
  14. You are on Columbus Racing - as in Columbus, OH and wondering why there is so much Michigan hating going on. Brilliant
  15. I lol'd. That's a good one for a Bengals fan to come up with;-)
  16. Classic - I was in Bloomington 1 year for work when the Buckeyes rolled through but it was different - they knew they were going to have their asses handed to them.
  17. Be worried - your "D" (I put it in quotes because it really does not deserve to be called a defense) looked good against the Ravens offense. The only team that makes that offense look good is Pittsburgh - lol. The Ravens have the Steeler's number - a lot like Pittsburgh has Cincy's number (when it counts). God I love the NFL.
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