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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. yes right across the street form McDonalds
  2. Skinner

    LCD tv help

    Yes we are wanting to do a wall mount the boys are climbing now so we wanting the wallmount and a small table for the components that we have. will probably replace our surround sound as well but that will depend on the TV we get.
  3. Skinner

    LCD tv help

    OK we are looking to replace our current TV with a LCD looking at either a 46 inch if not a 50 ( wife wants a 42). Anyway after looking around there is a big price jump from 720p to 1080p. I have seen the difff when looking at hd video playback and 1080p is very nice. Now heres what I'm wanting to know we mostly watch regular TV (timewarner) and the occasional DVD. Am I going to see that big of a difference if I go with the cheaper 720p TV over the 1080p with regualar cable and dvds. The reason i am asking this we found a 50 inch set that is 720p for $1300ish or a 42 inch 1080p for $1450ish.
  4. yeah same here got both fed and state back in like Feb.
  5. nice find an great looking car you should read some of the youtube comments. funny shit.
  6. looking on google earth there is no way to get a boat down there that are several dams north and south of the city and I didn't see a ramp.
  7. Skinner


    thats couse now 50 + people now hate you that or are curiously aroused :shudder:
  8. well there's your problem! yeah contact hte insurance company if he has full coverage if not gut it and take it to a salvage yard.
  9. beautiful car but at idle was it me or did it sound like a honda with a exhaust leak? May been the camera but still yuk.
  10. correct the light has to be visible and still be refletive.
  11. but he doesnt know any better.
  12. just hand her the ring and tell you "You win".
  13. OK. Where is Chris Hasen at?
  14. well almost all the big items are gone but we still have A LOT of clothes so we will be doing it again tomorrow will start up around 7:30 - 8 and go to about 2 or 3.
  15. Skinner

    My toys

    nice cuda :drool: oh and welcome to the board
  16. Norwalk used to do a king of the streets like king of columbus. the requirements were the car had to be street legal lights, horn, wipers, and tires and the car had to run a 30 mile loop on a single tank of gas and he same tune it ran on the track. Not sure if they still do that or not but that was the only requirements tha i can remember. I say if both cars meet that then everything is good. I would also add insted of a run through hockin hills you guys go to a autox event and how ever has the best time for the day wins. then the same for the drags whether it be norwalk or trails or where ever. If its a Tie then you both decide on a third event for the tie breaker. Also loser has to pay for the other persons gas and etery fee for the 2 or 3 events plus whatever other wager you guys decide on.
  17. nope he sold all his adult sized bikes.
  18. the NASCAR word game. typically with just beer any time liquor is involed bads things happen. Simpling everytime the word tiresis said you drink. typically half way through the race everyone is passed out. good times.
  19. vin we can work something out.
  20. no we still use them when go visit family
  21. TTT My neighbor is also going to have a sale as well.
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