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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. I can see this going downhill fast.
  2. true that. karma is a bitch, what goes around comes around.
  3. MOTHER FUCKERS. I have had the entire day off and have been outside or in my garage all day long (detailing the wife van). Around 8:30 the wife goes to one of our neighbors house for a minute I go back out to clean up the mess I had made earlier. One of my other neighbors comes running over and says someone just ran out you you garage and jumped in a car and took off. Look in the garage and sure enough they stole a 5 gallon gas can that was half full. Not any of my power tools or my tool box or any of the stuff that is of value they took my fuckin gas can (I'm glad that's all they took). Neighbor said they were in a late model grey Impala with body damage on the driers side. So I called the police and they came out and filed a report. I don't play on getting anything back and I have no problems with getting a new can but its the fuckin whole idea that some punk ass bitch had the balls to walk in my garage with my house opened up in broad daylight. I'm just pissed about the whole thing anyway just needed to rant a little [/rant]
  4. Had too put down our cat last year. her lungs were filled with fuild and she had fuild around her heart as well. Was real hard for my wife to do but she knew it was for the best. Best thing I can say is take him to a vet and see what they think. To put paton down was around $180 and that included the visit as well I'll ask my wife tonight how our vet is if you would like.
  5. .bin is not a video file its a image file like a ISO. you will need to mount the file with a program like Alcohol 120%. If you dont mount you will need to burn the bin file to a CD to extract the contents.
  6. try raising newborn trips then talk to me about being tired, hahahaha
  7. Skinner


    ahhhhh come on hotrod black FTW
  8. found a great site with how to info for the detailing novice like myself. http://site.bettercarcare.com/topics.php?topicId=17
  9. OK. As much as I would love to go out and and order kit from Zanio right now its out of my budget. So what I want to know if your were to pick up wax/detailing products locally what would you get and where? TIA
  10. If I had to guess the bigger the blower the more CFM it can flow and or will be able to handle higher boost more reliabling and more efficiently.
  11. the quads were natural the trips the used drugs
  12. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/vin_diesel.jpg I'm on the left.
  13. it may be out of season but its funny as hell RvsB FTW http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6178464270323360153&q=red+vs+blue
  14. Skinner


    If your ourt side of 270 you're fine
  15. I'll give you 3 or more. I'm so fretile I can stand next to a girl and get her pregent.
  16. no thanks you can find someone else for you man sandwich LMAO
  17. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2282754844569110939 reasons why you dont get a mac for gaming. Don't get me wrong I like my mac but for anyone thats serious about gaming PC is the way to go.
  18. what did the 5 fingers say the the face??
  19. very cool. hopefully it won't be as big of a letdown has halley's coment
  20. Skinner


    welcome to he west side and to the board
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