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Everything posted by gillbot

  1. Most homes have 240v, maybe not where it's convenient but it IS there. You are also using examples to prove your point rather than considering the possibilities. A friend of mine has an EV, he got an RV cord and plugs his car in to his range outlet since his kitchen is right by his garage. He needed no electrician or expensive parts. He made it work within his budget rather than arguing it simply won't work. My old chevy spark got ~40MPG+ but was $8900 brand new after deals. There are CHEAP ICE cars out there with good gas mileage if that's the primary concern. Electric service upgrades are going to be needed on many homes with or without EV's. Tech is getting better, charging is getting better. I'd love to see a hybrid that can be forced into all electric mode for every day short driving but can use an ICE for charging or propulsion on long trips when charging isn't readily available.
  2. How many tried diesel and vice versa. :lolguy:
  3. My current travels would put me in a similar situation. The part that I disagree with is the fact that people buy dumb SUV's and trucks as opposed to a very fuel efficient small car. There are plenty of ways to be more fuel efficient with an ICE but people would rather burn gas in a truck then complain about costs. Same here, but I have 75A service in my garage already. Unfortunately many don't know enough about electric and electric vehicles so they aren't prepared for the caveats of an all electric vehicle. This is also my same issue with just having electric vehicles forced upon the general population. Hell, most of the general population don't know their cars need oil changes ffs.
  4. My goal is to get the wife an EV at some point in the near future. For her it would be great as she usually doesn't travel far and an EV would make sense as long as it has an OK range. For me and my work, I could use an EV but for long trips i'd have to rent and that'd get to be a pain but we'll see where it goes.
  5. I sold my Camaro, drove a Challenger a while, sold that now I have a Jeep and work a lot.
  6. Place has gone to shit.... mixing gergs and Gregs. Wtf is it coming to?
  7. There’s the normal Cr welcome greeting. Gratz.
  8. I’ve lost faith in Jeep, I still haven’t heard a word about the clutch pressure plate recall from January. https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/rcl/2021/RCLRPT-21V028-2204.PDF
  9. I read it as a for-profit-scheme myself. Pay $50 for a high point, get $100 card. Seems simple?
  10. Lady at Hertz told me their standard rate here is over $100/day but our corporate rate is locked in at just over $20 a day. She said we're crushing them right now because of the demand and our locked in rate.
  11. I’m not taking a side, but that’s an easy statement to make when you aren’t on the receiving end of such hate.
  12. Unless you are the recipient of that “one in a million encounter”.
  13. You can interpret it however you see fit, others have that same choice. You cannot decide what they interpret. You are trying to skew their interpretation by claiming to state fact, when it is mostly your opinion.
  14. Why do you feel the need to “hit them with facts” though, let them have their opinions and state yours, then walk away. You just argue for the sake of arguing.
  15. Personally, I think it would carry more influence if it didn’t come off as soapboxing, but that’s just my $0.02 and probably not worth a cent.
  16. The difference is, I’m not here to argue against someone else’s opinion like yourself. He is entitled to his thoughts, you yours and me mine. I’m not soapboxing trying to undermine or sway anyone to my opinion. I can see value in his thoughts as well as some in yours. Unfortunately the current climate has people either trying to further support what they believe or arguing on behalf that the other side is wrong. That is my only opinion on the matter.
  17. I have had all of those happen at one point in time, mainly in my much younger days. I am not here to marginalize the experiences of those who do fear an encounter with LEO's, but to ask that you think before you speak.
  18. They always rollercoaster, see how they do long term. I’m not into the game but I see where a lot of people hold them for long periods.
  19. 20H2 on the work box and CR is fine.... I mean I was busy working earlier and couldn’t check..... :ninja:
  20. I've slid around in the back of a truck a time or two. My brother in law would go flying down country roads in his old Chevy and i'd lie flat on my back in the bed looking up sliding all over the place as he drove. Poor hillbilly rollercoaster!!
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