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Everything posted by gillbot

  1. I used to run SAS drives, when I migrated to SSD I was underwhelmed for the price/performance of them. For me, spinners are just fine. I'd rather pay $50 for nearly 1TB over ~64gb any day.
  2. I'd like to come and try for a 10 but I guess since I haven't run one yet i'm out.
  3. That's why I said good luck earlier. If you get too many people chiming in, nothing will ever get accomplished. Just stick to your guns, set it up and tell them take it or leave it.
  4. I'll never own another OCZ product ever. I have a Kingston v200 128gb new sealed if anyone is interested in that. Bought it for my daughters laptop then decided i'm too lazy to install it.
  5. These would obviously flow more at an LS1's 58PSI fuel pressure.
  6. I am still baffled that you brag about how fast your shit is, the fact that you got over $60k in it, then you complain about track prep yet don't want to do anything about it. IT's YOUR HOBBY! Gotta pay to play chief. That's why us slow asses are slow, we don't need to pay since our junk can't "hang" in your league.
  7. is there a part number on them somewhere?
  8. Is there a model number or something? These look like mine but want to be sure I can use them before trying to buy them. Boss told me if they are compatible to grab them all up.
  9. and you'll probably end up paying more in taxes than you are gaining on health care. My obamacare tale: My old health plan was 90/10 no deductible. Now the cost of that plan has doubled and is no longer being offered. It was dropped to make room for the new obamacare approved 80/20 with a 2k PER PERSON deductible @ the same cost of my old 90/10 plan. My employer has also offset their extra cost by announcing that yearly cost of living adjustments would likely be skipped the following year due to their cost increasing more than 50%. They invited in our provider, told us to ask anything and showed us everything in print to prove they weren't bullshitting about the increased costs.... Yeah, FUCK OBAMACARE.
  10. got a better pic, wanna see if these are the same as what I have.
  11. So take one of YOUR days off, set up an event on your own with NHRA prep and let us know how it goes. Setting up rentals is a thankless effort, you always hear everyone bitching about something.
  12. gillbot


    Upgraded my daughters laptop, this is left over. Consists of 2 sticks: 1x4GB Hynix PC3-10600S 1x8GB Geil PC3-10666 $35 shipped.
  13. So why would us slow asses pay more so you can get a better hooking track? I'm ok with the days as they are run now. YOU want it better, YOU pay for it. You jump in here and sling shit about how we are all slow and you aren't, why should we have to pay more since our slow ass shit doesn't need it? Seems quite counter productive doesn't it? Instead of talking down to all of us "slow asses" and whining constantly, DO SOMETHING or be a bit more tactful in your approach if you want other people to side with you.
  14. Rent the track and prep the shit yourself since it's that easy. Yup, renting a track is fucking stress enough. Everyone thinks it's super easy and all they want to do is bitch. I gladly would tell them to DO IT YOURSELF. IF they even had the pair to try, they would always thank me after for setting them up and vow not to bother ever again. See above reply. SET IT UP YOURSELF. Yup.... Good info. I've been meaning to hit up QCR but since their TNT is Friday and my typical Friday is a mess I haven't been able to make it.
  15. http://www.amazon.com/Smartak-Audio-Wireless-Waterproof-Transmitter/dp/B002IS2636
  16. Why fast in the rain? BECAUSE RACETRUCK!
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