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Everything posted by gillbot

  1. i'm gonna have to agree with joe on this one.
  2. There are now 15 more spots so i've extended the $20 entry pricing through the end of July. Get in now before these spots disappear too!
  3. http://dayton-fbody.com/DFBAbb/viewtopic.php?t=2691 He only wanted to spend $5500 but I think we got him talked into spending more.
  4. I posted a link to your COFBA thread, there's a guy looking on DaytonFbody for one but I think your's might be a bit more than he wants to spend.
  5. I always claim 0 and get an assload back at the end of the year.
  6. After they get a little use on them, they'll slide no matter what.
  7. I got my own car to pass, it's easy. You don't need to be a super tuner to make it happen. I know, I got a waiver a couple of times on older cars and they never checked for repair parts once.
  8. when we had it over here, they NEVER inspected for repairs just for cats.
  9. I bought injectors, kinda hard to check and see if they have been changed when they are under a cover. I was told the most often exemtion was for older cars and was a carb or carb rebuild kit since they are rether costly and hard to prove.
  10. Or you can go to Autozone and buy $300 in parts, walk out, toss the recipt in the car, walk back into autozone and say nevermind then get a refund. Take said recipt in for a waiver, cost $0.
  11. only about a week left to get in on the cheap $20 pricing. After that we'll decide if we want to keep it open at a higher cost or just close it completely.
  12. +1 I just started watching the all-out episodes on in-demand and they are much better than the regular episodes.
  13. If your car is OBDII compliant and they resume testing like they had in the past, you aren't given an option for the sniffer, you have to do the OBDII test.
  14. I put a catted Y on for the visual but I think the cats were hollowed out anyway. The guy heard my car pull in and he laughed, I just said "test the dam car" and he smirked. He about fell over when the screen showed "test passed, Fee $19.50" so he ran it again to the same result. I know quite a few tricks if they go back to the same or a similar system. It's actually pretty easy to get by with a passing result.
  15. Mine passed as it sits, if you are OBDII compliant it probably will pass as they don't sniff newer cars. They got rid of echeck in cincy/dayton a while ago. The only place that still has it is cleveland. My only problem with it was there were only a few cities that had it, make it statewide or nowhere.
  16. i'm over that still on a stock 10 bolt and I abuse the piss out of it. +1, many 1.6x sixties and not even so much as a noise comes out of it. Strange has their S60 which is a modified dana 60 for the fbody. If I go aftermarket, i'm gettin the S60 over the 9".
  17. it's a ver 3 and it will run ddwrt mini i believe, there's a local guy that's supposed to pick it up today though.
  18. not for $20, it'd be cheaper to ship it than my time and gas. Shipping should only be about $5
  19. saw this car today and it's pretty clean, sounds awesome too!
  20. It's used, it comes with the following jets: .026 N20/Fuel Jet .030 N20/Fuel Jet .034 N20/Fuel Jet .040 N20/Fuel Jet .046 N20/Fuel Jet .054 N20/Fuel Jet it was pulled off of a '98 trans am. If you want to know exactly what models it will work with, contact Zex to be sure.
  21. here are the instructions for the window switch: http://www.msdignition.com/pdf/8969_frm25515.pdf here are the instructions for the nitrous kit: http://www.zex.com/Base/Instructions/ZEX143.pdf
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