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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. it happens all the time, you would be surprised. Just be glad they didnt take anything or more. With all the payment processing centers any one of them could be compromised and a batch of cards will have to be reissued. Doubt it was just chase
  2. even if it does it cant possibly stick, ground is wayyyyyy to warm
  3. i have a checking account with chase that has had 4 bucks in it for 2 years now lol, never use it
  4. I work in the fraud dept doing high dollar wires and such, and I hadn't heard of anything lol. Glad you got it all sorted out
  5. Looks nice, your wheels look like a flower.
  6. This thread is full of lulz, I've never had to hit my dog to correct actions, dogs still have wild animal instincts and when someone steps on it or does something it doesn't like it lets the individual know not to do that, it's their way of talking. It's easier to not have an std aka child IMO.
  7. Free nom's with purchase of other nom's so its like 2 times the nom's for the price of 1 nom http://local.amazon.com/columbus/B009TC9F24?src=email&cid=em_dd_430_101_na_s1_&ref_=pe_254660_26421470
  8. Yea didn't mean 60 was a typo I had read anywhere from 6-20 depending on the time sorry about that , I went out for about an hour and saw quite a few was a great sight to see.
  9. Tonight the Orionid meteor shower peaks from midnight to just before dawn, so if you can run outside and look they were predicting 60 an hour
  10. Malwarebytes, ccleaner, spybot.
  11. hope yours works better than my V570, bought it last year and its dead already. Sending it in this weekend. I think they use the same mobo that dies a lot
  12. definitely a lot of first world problems up in this thread lol. I just wish LED bulbs would come down in price, great tech just not quite there yet.
  13. i got stopped in BFE pickaway county for a front plate and he sent me to court over it, wore a suit and all and walked in with everyone wearing shorts at the mayors court. Showed pics of it on my car with the date and time after the ticket, explained why I didn't have a plate previously and it got thrown out. Went home and took it off
  14. they will be getting rid of the HD1 and 2 and just having the HD3 line that is the plan so that is why there are 3 different models because there are techincally 3 models right now anyway if anyone needs any gopro info or other insight been on this forum for a few years http://goprouser.freeforums.org/
  15. ah yes with that aspect then you are also correct If anyone wants to sell an HD2 i need another for my balloon let me know keep in mind they are 199 new now
  16. all the HD3's are thinner and faster processors then the previous model, just some have higher specs
  17. I figured that is what you meant just figured I would clairfy for the n00bs lol, and I dont know if I really want the pro version. 4k at 15fps isnt that great
  18. negative the front will still work, the back wont but that comes with a new camera, everything else will still work as well also they will be selling just the camera later on, notice how there is no black edition motorsports and naked yet. It will be coming later
  19. I walk to winking lizard all the time, live right down the road. I used to go to Mcflips but its meh now. Luckily right across the street from work so it makes lunch easier
  20. oh and its micro sd, so gotta buy all new cards
  21. Gopro is a great company just left a bad taste in my mouth over the whole wifi issue with the hero 2. Took them almost a year to release the damn app. Now i see they were just pushing the new model. Dunno if I want to upgrade or go with a different cam here is the comparison of all the new HD3's http://gopro.com/product-comparison-hero3-cameras been in the gopro forum for a few years and all the accessories from the old ones are compatible except for the skeleton back door and a few other things but nothing major
  22. We went on the double decker bus tour that included maid of the mist boat and the journey across the falls on the gondola thing. We stayed at the Embassy suites. It was fun to drive around and went to other small places like vineyards and such.
  23. i heart reddit also as someone who never works out i have no idea what you be talking about
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