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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. everyone going ape nuts over stuff right now. try buying ar parts
  2. anyone worked with dpms lower parts and receivers? looking at one of their full lower and but stock kits thru a local retailer. just looking for input.
  3. hate hate hate hate hate hate hate the un
  4. here's to hoping you keep your 5's. ohbummer will try at least a few times to add some sort of new gun law. the ar ban for one. hell he said it in the debates. i just hope the house and senate can kill them.
  6. its not he backstop its all the angry spirits there! i mean holy shit! look at all the globules in that damn picture! thats what you get for putting a range over a indian burial ground!
  7. holy week three! been some great games and wildcat wr to wr... td! who dey?!
  8. lol write in has more votes then obama. well at least right now.
  9. i drink the shit outta some mt dew or pepsi. that being said i have no problem with this. its not saying you cant drink it. really, the sizes most places sell on average is obscene. i dont eat fast food often and even less do i actually get a drink. although when i do i ask for a small. the answer is usually... we dont have a small. wtf?
  10. welp i picked one up today. after enduring the god awful walmart buying procedure. it was finally mine. have torn it down a couple times and i happy with it as much as you can be before shooting it. now i just need a slug barrel. oh it comes with the new style magazine spring retainer. http://www.midwayusa.com/product/315317/remington-magazine-spring-retainer-remington-870-1100-11-87-12-16-gauge-polymer instead of prying it out with a screwdriver. you just push it in with your finger and turn and it pops out. kinda nice actually. will get some pics up soon.
  11. welp denver is looking to be mean this year. their d is looking pretty tough.
  12. http://www.guns.com/obama-administration-atf-power-seize-property-10900.html yea this is America
  13. and they have a website dedicated to em.. http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/
  14. thats why i ask. had to deal with that when i sold electronics. sneaky bastards. you have to check model numbers real close and look for fine print or a asterix. many times even model numbers would be the same till you see the astrix or a extra number. would catch this many times when doing research on price matches. the models they sell in wally world are striped down junk. didnt know if remington would play this game.
  15. i was in at wally world the other day picking up ammo. walked past the gun case like usual but the 870 caught my eye. i been looking at different ones planing on picking up a 870 in a week or two. back of my mind is saying you do NOT want to buy a gun from walmart. there is just some things one doesn't not buy at walmart... clothes, big screen tv, steak etc etc... anyways, i decided to take a look at it.. so here you go http://www.walmart.com/ip/Remington-870-Express-Super-Magnum/17654660 tried to find it on the remington site but no can do. would you buy for 300 bucks?
  16. are you for or against the team, the kids in uniform out there playing? beyond all the terrible crap that came to light at penn state... i am rooting for the team of kids in the uniforms. i have been impressed with the new coach also. those kids there, playing football for penn state, have to be a bit amped to go into this game tomorrow. so much misdirected fire going their way. a us against the world mentality. i expect to see a bit of lion come out in them.
  17. lawls noo its not a chick. heh never thought of that when i posted this. thanks for the reply. looking into the links posted and such. been looking at this one in particular http://www.liveviewgps.com/live+trac+ez+vehicle+tracking.html
  18. i use k9.. its pretty good and you can set all sorts of things to block and not block. it take some working with it to get it to not block some-things you may not want it to. it has a force safe search that makes it to where you cant search for things like "playboy''.
  19. anyone have and experience with it?
  20. just go pay your fine and be done with it.
  21. yea well if you paid your fine then our tax dollars wouldn't have to go to the cops having to come collect.
  22. http://www.limaohio.com/news/local_news/article_46f8b198-eafd-11e1-b208-001a4bcf6878.html
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