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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. someone catch me up? what is it?
  2. yea i was thinking that when i quoted it but figured i would use the quote too. wasnt 100 percent sure though heh.
  3. if your not carrying no you do not have to. although it would be smart to tell them. if they find out later, like in their car looking up your info they are going to be a bit spooked. you will hear about it when they come back to your car to ask if your carrying.
  4. yes, yes, they really do. honestly... i truly believe i could not do worse. where in the hell did these guys ref before?
  5. hell forget the pics... i more interested in the data it sends back.
  6. it cost like 7 dollars per person to put that thing on mars. i would much rather spend 7 tax dollars per person to put curiosity on mars then throw a birthday bash for the freaking pres.
  7. http://images.cpcache.com/merchandise/514_400x400_NoPeel.png?region=name%3AFrontCenter%2Cid%3A43673333%2Cw%3A16 oh but do want to add king's, eyes of the dragon. if i missed it being mentioned sorry.
  8. gimmie my shotgun i no run
  9. the zombie virus has infected the interwebs
  10. giants find a way to win the ones that really matter. something has to be said for that. they are giant killers.
  11. how can you say that after the losses to the broncos?!?
  12. since the other seems to be mostly all college. anyone else jonesing? with pre-season around the corner and camps open i eager to seem the orange and black on the field. who-dey gets the first game of the year this year.
  13. the lights in the sky made it oh so romantic
  14. we are still in the middle of a drought. most grass and brush i see is still dry as hell. even beyond that just something about floating flames seems a bit off to me. although i know its been around a very long time and i sure its not a large flame. could just picture coming out in the more with my coffee to get the newspaper and my tree have half a dozen lanterns hanging in em. would be a interesting wtf moment.
  15. just saw this article lima news here did on guns. http://www.limaohio.com/articles/http-86459-people-tho.html i am impressed you dont see news give this kind of story often.
  16. how long till she does playboy? how old is she?
  17. wonder how many calls the local police got about em. anyone else see the idea of floating flames being a bit risky? or is it just me?
  18. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/naked-man-sitting-roof-florida-home-nuts-takes-cops-repeated-taserings-subdue-article-1.1111180 naked peeing biting zombie
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