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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. can you use the SATA 6.0Gb/s connection or do you have to use SATA 3.0Gb/s? is there a improvement seen if going with the 6.0Gb/s in a ps3? i not sure what it uses on the factory drive.
  2. nope they have to win not 6, not 7, not 8...
  3. i'm not a cavs fan but i love seeing him lose. the so called greatest ever. nothing like saying your going to win 7,8,9 rings and not able to get one.
  4. well fine then, i still like it. wouldn't buy one but i still like it.
  5. http://www.thinkgeek.com/homeoffice/mugs/edfc/?cpg=cj&ref&CJURL&CJID=3363563
  6. http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0383644 if i was going to go that route i would prolly pick that one up
  7. no led edit you mean the smaller one. yea that ones striped down and has only vga no thanks.
  8. anyone picked up a referb monitor from microcenter? was looking at the samsungs they are advertising. http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0390708
  9. sad about the keystone one. that one would be fun to shoot at least once.
  10. oh no i trully dont believe he wanted to kill anyone. but his avoidable actions did cost someone their life. i really worried that after he is found not guilty. because he is not guilty of murder in the letter of the law. that the law will be attacked because of the apparent hole in it. the long standing repercussions of which will be felt by all of us guns owners.
  11. this case though is drawing the line between whats legal and what if you are honest with yourself is right. yes exactly. do you (not directing this towards mr beast, just agree with your quote.) do you believe he would have been so bold without his carry? even if he was not doing anything illegal.. he in my eyes at least was in the wrong. wrong not illegal. look, a man lost his life way to young. this man was barely a man he was still and kid and forced into a very adult situation. zimmerman was over zealous and KNEW he had a gun when he got out of his vehicle. he KNEW he had a gun on him and acted outside the lines of normal (in my opinion) if he had NOT had a gun. this is something you should never do if you are a ccw holder. the firearm should not give you bigger balls in any situation. if anything you should do your best to avoid any situation where you think you would need to fall back on your firearm. to me if you are a permit holder you should remember that in your actions. say what you will but i hold a permit holder to a bit higher standards. for the record i am 100 percent FOR ccw. that fact is why i have such issue just letting zimmerman off on this. will prolly get flamed for this but he should NOT have gotten out of his damn vehicle. he is NOT a cop!
  12. wasn't saying it was against the law. i was saying he should have stayed in his vehicle. he had no reason to be following him when even the 911 operator told him not to. he will walk if they can not prove he started the confrontation. i cant really see this kid just jumping a grown man much bigger then him. (yes size doesn't matter cause the kid obviously got the better of him. but still) is there a statement of zimmermans that says exactly what happened from his point of view? if its been posted sorry i missed it.
  13. "This was avoidable if George Zimmerman had not gotten out of his car and profiled and pursued" in the end though, this is the issue. its plain to see trayvon was not perfect kid prolly far from it. pursuing someone isn't standing your ground. if zimmerman was in danger it was because he put himself there. he should have shot himself with that logic.
  14. and let us know what they all are after you get them id
  15. Spidey2721

    Diablo 3

    welcome to blizzard! get used to it, blizz fails. nothing new.
  16. Spidey2721

    Diablo 3

    yea good luck with the servers. blizz dropped the ball (no surprise). dont know if the d3 servers are back up. it even killed the wow servers for a while. i sitting in wow now. takes forevvver to login.
  17. friend want to do a area out by his parents house. battlefeild area for the war of 1812. there was a fort in the area. have you picked up a detector yet? if so what did you go with?
  18. https://www.youtube.com/user/hickok45 on youtube. if you havent found em already. has some useful stuff, and does a lot of gun reviews. just a fun watch to for gun peoples.
  19. Carroll Shelby R.I.P. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/driveon/post/2012/05/auto-legend-carroll-shelby-father-of-cobra-dies/1#.T62BlOsu2So
  20. who has a db9 or db380? do you like? do you carry it often? been looking at em. havent shot one yet. trying to get some input.
  21. easy mon. i wasn't getting huffy, and i was actually enjoying the discussion. i wasn't offended by your post and sorry if i came across that way. i wasn't trying to be a dick.
  22. ok stupid question... other then at home where can you plug in to extend your range? oh, i know you haven't had it long so might not be able to answer yet... how many miles can you average in city on a single charge?
  23. ty killjoy i should have quoted em before he changed it lol.
  24. but its also a revolver :gabe: or you could go with "a pistol is a handgun whose chamber is integral with the barrel."
  25. Still not a revolver thread, figured why not?
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