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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. track was cold tires were cold a lot of cars was having issues early. also after the safety car periods. (read "caution flag" for nascar fans) cars were squirly. its been in the mid 60 or colder there.
  2. Spidey2721

    XBOX One

    I think I can count the number of used games I have bought on my two hands. BUT, I still want that option! I scratch a disc I can buy used instead of new. I played the old starwars battlefront 2 so much I think I owned 8-10 copies easy. Not all those were used. Several were the "greatest hits" type. Hell I jumped on ps2 and played a few weeks ago. After playing it so much the disc would just need replacing. Also I can't count the number of times I would trade games with a friend for a week then trade back. Do this countless times. Different games same games back and forth. That option would have been gone. It would be getting like windows. You trade a game and it checks your bios and say oh shit this isn't where I should be... OMG panic!! Defcon 5! I am being played on a different system!!! What happens when you go to a friends house and take YOUR game to play with a friend on his?her system? Would it have freaked out even though it is still YOU playing YOUR game?
  3. Spidey2721

    XBOX One

    Still 100 bucks MORE for a system with WEAKER hardware than that of the competition! That right there is a deal breaker to me. It should be 100 bucks cheaper, not more! From what I have seen. You still have to have xbox gold subscription just to use your netflix subscription, and who knows what else. Still didn't say they removed the necessity to go online and register your game before playing it. Oh and as far as the controllers go. The xbox controller is the biggest reason I have not owned one.
  4. Spidey2721

    XBOX One

    alot of tvs out right now have the ability thru their apps to do alot of the extra xbox stuff.
  5. "cant say bomb on a airplane" first thing that came to mind. i not that dang old. when i was elementry i remember running around on the playground playing soldier or cops and robber type games. i cant imagine how that would go over now.
  6. i would like to know what she meant by "people" though. is it two or three or 20?
  7. whhaaaaa, no wonder cant find any. lol
  8. yea i have a large one also but its mostly 80-90's spidey and x series.
  9. samsung 500 gig ssd for around 300 on newegg. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147190 use EMCXRVW23 promo code.
  10. yea i never followed avengers back in the day. i was all about spidey and the x-men. i started getting into the avengers a bit more lately. just trying to get a idea of how far off the storyline in this series is. seems to be loosely based on the comic with some deviations. i haven't followed the current stuff a lot. too many changes and such and then the peter parkers dead but not dead thing and doc ock is spidey thing really urked me. i was urked when mary jane and peter made the decision to end their life together to save aunt may.
  11. i have a lore question. watching avengers mightiest hero animated series. ultron is featured in it. the story at this point in the animated series is that the robots (not just one more like hundreds) were created by reed richards, hank pym, and tony stark. to be wardens of a super villain jail. they are then needed to fight as the avengers army against kang and his attempt to take over earth in the avengers timeline. my question is... is this story line in any of the comic series?
  12. the officer was within his legal rights to disarm you during a traffic stop. the officer was not in his legal right to disarm the guy in texas.
  13. suppressors are nice to shoot with. dont have to wear hearing protection. cuts down on noise pollution if your shooting in a area that it could be a problem.
  14. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7f2_1367176068 what would you do?
  15. so your saying that i own guns only to kill??
  16. you could call me whatever you want. i wouldnt want to mess with a pissed feral hog.
  17. you guys dont get it. he wasn't breaking any law. its just like open carry in ohio. you can open carry in ohio and a officer can not just come up and disarm you for no reason. oh and feral hogs and cougars dont just stay out in the deep wilds. here even in ohio i have seen bobcat 100 yards from the back of a house i was working on. it wasn't deep in the wilderness. go for a walk or drive on the blue-ridge parkway. you will see bear and bear tracks. if i was on a hike somewhere that feral hog was known to be. i would want to be carrying something larger then a handgun too.
  18. why pass more laws when you dont enforce the ones on the books now? none of these bills would do anything to stop any of these previous mass shootings.
  19. what drives me nuts is people in the press (and heck even sadly lawmakers). who know nothing about firearms. get up on their high horse and dictate about gun control. i know nothing about medical insurance or medical care. so i dont stand on a high horse and tell everyone how medical law should be.
  20. thats all media cares about is profit. they will milk these dead for as long as they can to make cash off the dead. plain and simple. they been still doing it with sandy hook and will milk this one until something else happens. they know there would be young injured or killed in this and they will milk them for cash.
  21. he didnt have to be "traveling pretty fast." how many times do you have to get on it to merge to highway traffic from a stop on short on ramps? sounds more of a lost control couldnt handle the car. even so thats what they are there for.
  22. followed by a picture of him sporting a knife to show he is not anti-knife.
  23. omg we have to ban those assault knives!! must have universal background checks for all knives!
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