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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. My Ruger LCR was feeling left out from all the gun-pron http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/ResizedImage_1318706344743.jpg
  2. http://www.columbusracing.com/banners/smilies/fyea.png
  3. any odds on the number of wrecks and/or runners run over?
  4. alot more people shoot these days. its a good thing.
  5. remind me to post anything news wise with fox news attached for now on. it sure gets the idiots to scurry like roaches with the light on. one news agency is no different then another. there is no true news agency. they are all paid for by one side or the other.
  6. anyone else think Porsche when you saw it?
  7. wow covers alot more then i expected. good teaching tool.
  8. so cause its covered by fox news makes it not a big deal you just lost your free speech?
  9. in the sho sable wagon i have not trunk or compartment that i would have to leave the vehicle to access. so how would i carry a firearm and ammo without going to jail? do not have my ccw yet. oh and no lockable compartment in the vehicle.
  10. haha got a visual of a guy trying to figure out what hell is biting him
  11. very sad. http://www.tmz.com/2012/04/18/dick-clark-dead-heart-attack/#.T48bHqsu2So
  12. Spidey2721

    win 8

    eh its not a huge change that you wont be able to use. just remember win + e. there is a hidden bar to the left of the screen you can get to the control panel and such with but win e is quicker. i was worried that my swtor wouldnt run on it but after some curse words and work i got it going. havent tried wow yet. everything else is fine so far.
  13. Spidey2721

    win 8

    haven't seen it anywhere. its a pita to get to anything. like even control panel. win e does still work though.
  14. Spidey2721

    win 8

    who else is using the windows 8 preview? i installed it yesterday. dont know if i like it over all yet. the "desktop" isnt much different the start menu is another matter entirely. its rather annoying and setup for tablets. blah. its like a app menu on a cell phone. havent played alot with the different "apps" yet.
  15. i hope that this spurs a movement to change the laws in new hampshire. if it doesnt they will leave their people defenseless. oh and i hope he got his guns back. is the update posted somewhere?
  16. does it jump up in your hand at all when you fire it?
  17. this. i saying you are the one defending yourself not the one coming round the corner. and for the record i am for ccw carry. but that doesnt really matter here.
  18. question is though just like anything where does it stop? also i cant wait till this winds up in court after they start using it.
  19. so your telling me you honestly cant see this ever happening? right
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