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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. great game. one of the best I have seen for a superbowl.
  2. eli never gave up. he impressed me big time.
  3. yea those are horrid... I do like the terminator vrs robot football guy thing when thy come back from break.
  4. thriller best so far. side note worst half time show ever.
  5. well walmart at least isnt listing the 80 gig on their website at all anymore. edit: or meijer
  6. do you have the power cord? if for some crazy reason james doesnt take it.
  7. well hell if i can get the 40 to play ps2 games then i may get that one. or if a can still find a 60 somewhere. all the prices I have seen on the are the same as the 80 though. let me know how it works out with the patch. is it just a self installing patch? also where is it downloaded from?
  8. my ps2 is crapping out. so instead of wasting money on another ps2 figured i would just get the ps3. about the only game i would really play from the ps2 i know works on the ps3. i would have to rebuy madden but thats no biggie. since its better in ps3. call of duty is calling my name for ps3.
  9. thinking of getting a ps3. is the 80 gig ps3 backwards compatible??
  10. has anyone seen it yet?? if so how is it? PLEASE NO SPOILERS!
  11. so how do you explain this to the next person you date? "you were married?" "yes i was" "what happened?" "found out it was my sister"
  12. nuke the bitches! no seriously i am so sick of these piss ant countries provoking us. its time to lay down the smackith! although i dont know if we want a war with iran. that could turn really ugly.
  13. perfect circle remake of imagine worst remake ever... and i like perfect circle and John Lennon.
  14. Spidey2721

    Dog talk

    I would check for a local chapter of the akc that deals with these breeds.
  15. ha ha good stuff quoting a video game as resource material. a old school Nintendo one a that. i love it.
  16. cant do that love to sound of the pads hitting and players calling out the plays and blitz.
  17. wow i was really impressed with the pressure on fla's final drive. i was really worried Michigan was going to go to prevent and let them march right down the field. (think texas game) man if lloyd would have coached like that all year he might still have a job. i am ecstatically impressed the guys!
  18. I wouldn't mind it if they actually found women that knew what they were talking about. course at least half the male announcers they use don't know what the hell they are talking about.
  19. regardless of the outcome Michigan has put one one hell of a show.
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