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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. gerrr blitz men get your hands up!
  2. just as long as lloyd doesn't go to his famed prevent defense that loses bowl games.
  3. eh? Michigan has more penalty yards against them. yea i wondered if they were going to try the pooch kick again.
  4. oh yea and we really needed wisconsin to win theirs though. big ten needs a boost after the bowl game showing last year.
  5. The blue is looking good and healthy. healthy is the key. i really think the defense will be able to get more pressure on tim and force a turnover. i hope chad goes down field a little more with the pass and open up the run more. GO BLUE!
  6. and who says lima doesn't make headlines :thumbup:
  7. what year explorer? There are two clips on the outside of the headlamp. unclip them. the bulb can be removed from the front. although I don't know if this is the same on the brand new body style ones. 06 07 I think. did you check for a general maintenance section in the owners manual?
  8. Yea that Mercedes has great exhaust note. There was one running around the track before the F1 race a couple years ago.
  9. Anyone know any good registry scanners/fixers that I dont have to buy?
  10. It was prolly the worst vehicle I have owned in the snow. That being said. If I had snow tires on it that would make a hell of a difference. Or even just better all seasons. The tires on it have good tread life left on them. Just not a good pattern or compound. Very hard tire. Although I did have some fun in it. RWD+snow= weeeee! I am going to put two 50 pound bags of salt in the hatch. That should help a bit.
  11. I have to throw a vote in for the mustangs also. They have always had a great sound in v8 forum. Either factory or a good after market. My favorite has to be a pro stocker. Course thats not street legal. My favorite street sound has to be a classic mopar starting. Ma' mopar had a great sounding starter that fired equally great sounding line of classic motors. You can always tell a classic mopar when it comes to life.
  12. huumm wonder how the z will do in the snow. didn't really drive it last winter. guess there is only one way to find out.
  13. Here are links to the scans. They are not great. Was in a little bit of a hurry. If needed I can rescan them. http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj134/spidey2721/scan0002.jpg http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj134/spidey2721/scan0003.jpg http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj134/spidey2721/scan0004.jpg http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj134/spidey2721/scan0006.jpg http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj134/spidey2721/scan0007.jpg http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj134/spidey2721/scan0008.jpg _________________
  14. Spidey2721


    dirty herp haters LMAO
  15. February?? Doesn't that not come out for another month?? Oh wait nope got it right here. Figured this would be January's issue. Yep would thats Eric. The scary looking one. :thumbup: I will scan some pics later and link them.
  16. Spidey2721


    yea what he said. oh and evan.. I am confused. They told you to take you temp down to 40?? That cant be right. Also another thing you have to understand is photo cycling. As in how many hours of "daylight" vrs how many hours of "darkness" your snake gets. If you have the snake in front on a window to regulate its day/nights you can see effects from this. I used to get my Bullsnake to hibernate in the winter months by replicating the the changes in daylight hours. When he was inactive during the winter months he rarely ate. Throne as soon as you said you found him upside down and such first thing I thought of was too much heat. Especially after he just ate. His body will produce more heat while he is digesting.
  17. Spidey2721


    thats not so much a difference in species of snake, but in the way the snake was raised. or even just the temperament of the particular snake. generally snakes are not scavengers. which is why pre-killed doesn't always work. if the snake was captive born where in always raised this way (in taking pre-killed) it will have better chances at taking pre-killed. on a side note l love the corn snakes. beautiful species.
  18. Spidey2721


    i am assuming that the enclosure is still running just as it would be while the snake is alive.
  19. Spidey2721


    What the cool side and the medium?
  20. Spidey2721


    they wanted it to be able to reach the bulb? Throne, this is a perfect way for the snake to seriously burn itself!
  21. Spidey2721


    Oh yea throne, here is a good forum for snake owners:http://www.ball-pythons.net/forums/index.php Also check out: http://www.kingsnake.com They have forums there also. Including one for Ball Pythons.
  22. Spidey2721


    ok you have no knowledge or understanding of this subject. any further conversation with you would be juvenile. your replies are not helpfully or knowledgeable to the question at hand. be gone with you.
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