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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. dah i pasted the wrong link.. http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj134/spidey2721/untitled.jpg like i said hadn't slept yet.
  2. I got this... http://mail.google.com/mail/?attid=0.1&disp=emb&view=att&th=11a203e0ddb5abec If I did something wrong let me know. I still haven't been to sleep.
  3. Spidey2721

    Wtf Mate!?

    So here I sit reading the forums and I decide that oreo's and milk sounds pretty damn good. So I make my way to the kitchen. Pour a glass of milk. Open the cupboard door, grab my box of oreo's that feels pretty full. Open it up and become instantly confused. It has oreo's in it... pretty full actually. Its just they are missing something. Every oreo I see has no cream filling!! Just a bunch of halves. My nieces went thru almost a entire box of oreo's and ate only the cream filling! Thing is after looking at them a little closer it does not appear they licked off the cream filling then put whats was left back in the box. No it looks like they use a butter knife or something to scrap the filling off then put the halves back in there. I cant wait to ask them about it when they come over today.
  4. man, after three years its time to marry or move on. if you dont care to be married let her go so maybe she can find the one for her. when/if you find the right one for you... you will probably change your mind on the marriage thing. my two cents. oh and eric is pretty well right on the mark. good on ya eric!
  5. got a metal detector? thats some crazy shit. how about setting up a video camera?
  6. I absolutely hate those fat ends! anyways with a 125-200 foot run are you going to run any sort of booster on it?
  7. For a Dj you will find a "WIDE variety in cost" as well. You get what you pay for. You want to be sure they have back-up equipment, are insured, etc etc. Also, alot of times when you first meet with someone to talk to about your wedding... they are NOT the person who will be dj'n your wedding. Most bigger operations have several dj's on the payroll. If it matters to you, make sure you ask who personally will be doing it. You should be able to get references also. Another thing when you say "no country, no hip-hop/R&B/rap"... that will most likely shorten the length and liveliness of your reception. You may want to think of just asking it to be kept at a minimum and/or later in the night. How long in advance are you booking your dj? Most good dj companies are booked anywhere from a year to 2 years in advance. You can easily drop 1500.oo on a good quality dj. Heck I know some that are double that. Like I said though you do get what you pay for. Oh and most good reputable companies will have a portfolio of previous jobs they have done. Can be a good idea to ask for that and take a look. Shop around too. The dj runs everything after you leave the church/ arrive at the hall. You want to be sure you get the right one. A bad dj can ruin a event! any other questions just hollar. EDIT: oh yea depending on how in-depth you want to get you can register over here http://www.djchat.com and post that you are looking for a dj and the area. There are some good ones over there.
  8. hey i need some old ram for a computer. dont remember what it is i will have to check.
  9. but man i just cant do it. and i like the pens. could a detroit fan root for the avalance? i know generally you want to team that beat you out to win but man its detroit.
  10. I can never bring myself to root for detroit!
  11. NO RULES NATIONALS (HEADS UP RACING)... Saw this on the schedule for national trail. What is it? Just the normal saturday style races but not in brackets? just looking at trails schedule. unlike a lot of people, i like trails and like to get down to the track as often as i can. the "HELL ON WHEELS (NOSTALGIA FLAG DRAGS)" is one i would love to see but its the same weekend as nhra at norwalk. will be at the mopar nats for sure. would like to make the NMRA race but again same weekend as the us nationals. any other good ones i am missing?
  12. http://www.tampabays10.com/news/local/article.aspx?storyid=79533 at a complete loss of words.
  13. dude your 23... time to quit trolling high school parking lots!!
  14. yea i am more of a... "i can and will do my job, leave my home life to me" type person. maybe my house isnt perfect but i might have one hell of a track car in the garage. just where their priorities are. maybe i have not found that one person for me to marry yet. i know with me i am a anal perfectionist with my job. not so much with my personal life. when i used to bartend i used to drive the other tenders nuts cause i was so picky about how the bar was kept. kinda like the guy dumping gravel with a uber-clean truck. i remember when dad and i went to get a part for the 69 plymouth... guy we were getting the part off of was higher up at the local ford engine plant. lived in the ghetto. house was not good looking. he had one hell of a nice pro street barracuda in the garage though. he had also put togther another car for his daughter. yea them hoes are expensive!!!
  15. coolest dance floor ever! http://www.boomclips.com/videos.aspx/video~coolest_dance_floor_ever/Coolest_Dance_Floor_Ever/Cool_videos/ if you want to see more things that can be done.... http://www.monstermedia.net some really neat stuff there. browse around.
  16. inst that generally not the goal? oh and i completely agree with pdqgp.
  17. yea the military guys have all the fun. I dj weekly fri, sat for a club here. check out x-laser.com for some of the other high mw dj lasers that i was talking about.
  18. I was working out in the garage on one of my lasers for my dj lighting. Finally got it all back togther and was testing it out in the garage. Looked great. Then the idea hit me... its 3am. Out in the country its pitch black out. So I grabbed a extension cord and took it outside. It shot across the back yard, across the pond, and using the tress behind the pond as a back drop it was able to do its designs in full on em. Bright as hell too. I just wish it was really really foggy. The fish in the pond would jump at the light when it would dip low enough to hit the pond. Its only a 4.9mw too. There is a new company making 100mw lasers. My dealer is getting some in soon. Cant wait to check them out.
  19. NIN is also coming to cleveland august 22nd.
  20. i want to move to Chicago. what area are you in?
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