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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. its the middle of may... tell me please, you got better things in life then college football right now.
  2. avengers moive!?!?! hellllsss yea been waiting for that bitches!! anyway great to see the good comments on the movie i may have to go see it tomorrow. planed on seeing it (comic fan) but with the reviews here may have to go tomorrow.
  3. man... eating arbys, just got home from my gig, i am tired. although! as of right now, i am the last one posting in this thread. HA!
  4. bengals.com avalanche.nhl.com Myspace gmail ebay mytracks.com billboard.com djchat.com mobilebeat.com ergmusic.com promoonly.com justdeejays.com various other music and dj related sites
  5. Come on!?!? I mean what the fuck man. What in the world would ever make anyone think... yea this sounds good??? Could you imagine going to the pearly gates and having to explain this one? Or is it more like do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars?
  6. are you kidding me??
  7. yea didnt expect the av's to make it past this round. i just hope they make a series of it. i was glad to have em get into the playoffs and then get past first round. power play needs serious work.
  8. Spidey2721

    NFL draft

    no cj for dallas... let em sit.
  9. OUCH! hate it when a cheap part burns up a motor. cant be much worse.
  10. http://photos-071.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v82/80/53/1416120071/n1416120071_3244_3643.jpg Nice!
  11. Anyone else get the feeling of a first person shooter while watching this? I kept getting that feeling.. more when he came across other people like the first guy. Hes was kinda surprised to seem em there. I think I would do it.
  12. earworms... read something that covered this not to long ago.
  13. nice, not much of a honda fan but... i have always liked the s2k's. mean looking car. i love the blue. i bet those things have to be awesome to drive. do you have any pics of the whole car??
  14. i have used that as a reference many times too and the scary thing is it is really looking to head that way. when to movie came out you looked at like it was crazy but now man its getting scary. ok back on topic... you could always get a james bond like flip plate. press a button inside and the plate flips over.
  15. I think thats the general consensus here.
  16. http://cdn.nhl.com/avalanche/images/upload/2008/04/JoseCelebrateTop041908.jpg Avalanche advance to second round!!!
  17. if he like it so much to quote in his sig then i figured i would give him a link to hear it when his heart desires.
  18. duh... thats why i made the post. oh you may have to copy past the whole link for it to work.
  19. 2008 Dakota: 302 bhp 329 ft- lb torque. MPG isnt up to 30 more around 20 but its a hell of a lot more truck! (also its a flex fuel engine) I'm not saying the ap is a bad truck but... like I did say lets see how it performs once its here. Also good competition will be a good thing for us truck manu's oh yea in 2010 ford is bringing out their new 4.4 diesel... "Designed to offer comparable acceleration to the current 5.4-liter gasoline Triton, the new engine should be rated at about 330 hp and 420 lb-ft of torque. Fuel economy is expected to be around 20% better than the gas-fed Triton."
  20. came across something for you when i was cruising the net. http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/multimedia/bushism_obgyn_love.mp3
  21. promotion... thats the first thing i thought when i read the first post... you beat me too it. thats what i get for coming late. wonder if i could talk to owners in to doing that at the place i dj for here.
  22. Avs take the series lead 3-2!!! Theodore stopped 38 shots.
  23. mpg yea... and i know about the update... still doesn't mean the vehicles out there are getting what is advertised.
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