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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. thought you guys might enjoy this... http://www.switched.com/2007/08/01/sweaty-man-electrocuted-by-pc-and-other-gadget-related-deaths/
  2. Maybe the person that reported it should spend more time reading then worry about the person in line with they at the local coffee shop. Hell I have even heard of that.
  3. take the Chrysler conquest, i love the car, looking at them on ebay right now, but its a slow car... although , i love the final few years of the talon and they are not so slow.. but they catch fire.
  4. my choice for home security.. http://www.remtek.com/arms/hk/mil/g3/g3.htm not really but i would love to have one. the sp89 would probably be my realistic choice for home security.
  5. Oh yea the frogs can make noise. Don't know how to describe it. Like a loud "ret" "ret" "ret". Will catch you by surprise first time you hear it. They should also be kept between 72F and 80F during the day. 65 is fine at night. Also misting the cage once or twice during the day is needed generally also. Although if you use the "waterfall" effect his setup has that wont be needed. They are great pets. His enclosure is nice too. I wouldn't mind taking them off his hands myself. Although if I get any new herps it will prolly be a legless variety. Good luck hope they go to a good home.
  6. 69 roadrunner/gtx hood. not the pop up air grabber version. this version... http://www.moparstyle.net/history/images/69RunnerAd.jpg not this version... http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:1J9i7fc1EFhSHM:http://static.flickr.com/47/148775140_13d7744cc5.jpg
  7. It can also aid in oil seepage from things like valve cover gaskets, head gaskets, or pretty much any other gasket.
  8. welp sounds like now is a great time to learn. if you have a friend thats a good body man have him help ya. whats the worst that can happen? you screw it up? sounds like its pretty much screwed now anyways.
  9. Anyone know of any exhaust shops in the lima area that are good? I plan on buying the muffler and such myself just needing pipe work and install. (side note: I will not be needing a receipt for the work either)
  10. check these guys out... http://www.dssracing.com/modular%20engines.htm back when I was doing 4.6 stuff these guys had some pretty good motors. Course that was 2 or more years ago. Rob http://www.LaSotaRacing.com would be a great person to talk to if you don't know him thru here already.
  11. You know what I am talking about. Its some different size tubing with a smallish clear bottle and a magnet. I would most likely never have bought it myself. My dad was out and about and I asked him to bring me some brake fluid and some tubing. He brought me one of these "one man thingies". I thought yea right, and my buddy laughed at it too. It actually worked. The key is to stick the bottle directly above and as high as you really can with the tubing you have. The air bubbles purge into the bottle easier that way. I had to pump the brakes about 5 times, get out, walk around and look at it, empty the little bottle, check the reservoir, then go pump again... over, and over, and over, but it actually worked I am pretty surprised. Would rather have had a second person but what can ya do. Ok its 7 am and I am a little slap happy so going to go clean up the tools and get some sleep.
  12. big tundercats fan... also for those who dont know already... they are making a live action movie of voltron. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0472429/
  13. The sunlight will help with regulating his daylight cycles. Not only that, it helps keep the snake healthy, happy, and active. You do have to be careful the sunlight doesn't cause the snakes enclosure to dramatically rise in temperature outside the snakes safe and natural temperature ranges. The sunlight can heat the cage up just like it does in your car on a hot day. Keep a eye on all your temp gauges. If you don't already you should have three in the snakes enclosure. one on each end (warm/cool). Also one in the middle. About feeding... a every seven day feeding schedule is quite adequate. Even if he is not feeding you still need to offer on the same schedule. Also he may not be ready to shed. He may just be not feeding right now. Just always be sure to have CLEAN and FRESH water available for him in a bowl that allows him to easily COMPLETELY SUBMERGE himself. There is on the market various shed helpers. Generally a chemical you can dilute and spray with a common spray bottle onto him.
  14. i am a dj... and like what was said above you need to book early... at least a year in advance. if you have any other dj style questions let me know. sounds about average.
  15. i really wouldn't worry about it right now. if he start to drop weight then you can worry a little. some snakes will just stop eating at certain times on the year. does he ever get good direct sunlight? even a screen in a open window can filter out vitamins and such from the sunlight.
  16. ohh man so open.. so much could be said here. endless possibilities... must refrain must refrain must refrain
  17. i got a phone call right away but it was all static
  18. welp this is what my ex-gf thats living up there said.... "it's not cold, but it rains all month" "and stay away from anchorage" " it's ghetto". oh and her comment on how bad the black flies are... "not bad...but the mosquito's will carry you away. No joke." "black flies are probably more of an issue when you're in the woods but the mosquito's are everywhere 50 times larger than ohio mosquito's"
  19. this is a prime example of why concealed carry is a good thing!
  20. dad needs a new catalytic converter for his '00 sable. anyone know of any good online shops that i could look at to order one for him?
  21. yea cause the tumors that they get can be expensive to remove. my boxer has one in his neck. doesn't seem to bother him much though.
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