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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. I see your story and raise you. I was do a gig for another company that I sometimes dj for. I was driving his Durango with the trailer in tow behind. I stop at a stop light and glance over to the pass floor. Something caught my eye of the floor. I catch the black flash of fur as a mouse runs across the floor and under the passenger seat. I get to my gig and I am unloading my gear. I open the back of the Durango and there is a couple pinky's laying the in the back corner. I toss em out onto the grass. Then after the gig I get tore down and ready to go, I jump back into the drivers seat. I glance over to the passenger floor to see another pinky where I first saw the adult mouse. Off into the grass as well. If I still had a snake I would have kept em for food. I called the guy when I was back on the road and let him know he was infested.
  2. Well I dont have any seriously disturbing memories that would effect me to the extent of some people. So I probably wouldn't know what its really like, but it would be really hard for me to consider taking something thats going to alter my memories. This kinda makes me think that they are just dipping a toe into a huge dangerous pool. Me thinks it could be kinda dangerous. LOL just thought of the movie men in black. "K have you ever flashy thingie me?" another question... What happens if you have the memory erased and then people you know ask you about something that has to do with the memory?
  3. damnit!! now I have it. Well some version of it. Woke up yesterday stiff with bad muscle ache. Lungs on fire. Taking advil for my head. Vitamin c for the body. I am just glad I didn't get the stomach flu.
  4. ok so umm how do you open the door after you get the wood of with the crow bar? there is a key hole but i cant find the key. i figured out th thing with the clock and set it to the time in the picture. help
  5. http://sports.espn.go.com/rpm/news/story?seriesId=8&id=2804747&campaign=rss&source=ESPNHeadlines
  6. with that much cash you own the club. 10 of em.
  7. Spidey2721


    :-( my hard drives full. I wasnt going to go watch it in the theaters, but after talking to some friends that have, I now plan on going soon. I was told that its one of those movies that you have to see on the big screen.
  8. 1)Doesnt matter when the shit melts. 2)Polor bear population is up in public areas due to the fact they are having to venture into these areas in their search for food. 3) a: you should care because your children and their children will. b:They have to go out that far becaue their food and hunting grounds are disappearing.
  9. thank you satan for giving me another article that helps show what I was talking about: Yup we done fucked it up so much ever our smartest people dont know whats going to happen. lol
  10. No, I am saying that mother earth is returning the pond back to what it was before hand.. earth/dirt. As in a grass covered plot of land. Actually, kinda, yes. Believe it or not there are people whos job it is to keep tabs on things like this. Here do yourself a favor and read. ... and that figure is just from that one area of the polar bears region!! On to your next comment: That is one theroy on the subject that worries me. Do yourself a favor. Do a little research on the subject. Research the model that takes into effect the oceans current drasticly changing due to the introduction of massive ammounts of fresh water. Oh, and I would rather see three dollar corn then eight dollar per gallon fuel. Also its a hell of a lot better the those damn electric cars. Oh and one thing America has plenty of is corn feilds. More money for us. ;-) What is so wrong with us as a species SHARING this planet doing our part to keep it and its other inhabitants here for generations to come.
  11. How can you ignore the polar ice caps melting? How do you ignore the fact that polar bear population dropped 40%? Their world is melting right under their feet. Polar bears are drowning while they attempt to swim to new "land". Frogs are have serious problems also. The solar rays that used to be filtered are now hitting their eggs unchecked. This is cause some frogs to become deformed and/or die all together. Some species are coming closer and closer to extinction. These are facts. Not opinions. I have a pond in the back yard. It is man made. The pond gets shallower due to dead plant material collecting on the bottom. The edges to the pond get broken down by erosion. If left unchecked by me (man) the pond will succumb to the earth, and eventually become what its before it was dug... earth. Mother nature heals herself despite the creatures that in habit her. I fear that if we go unchecked and allow our products to deplete mother nature of what she needs. She will take action to heal herself. If the ice caps melt and change the flow of the oceans, it is very possible that we could see ourselves plunged into another ice age, while mother nature tries to heal herself. Global warming doesn't necessarily mean that Ohio's temperature will become to resemble Florida. I don't want to see the internal combustion engine that we all love die. I hate electric cars. Although, we do need to also take care of our home. I just hope we find a good alternative fuel for our internal combustion engine. I personally hope we find a way to make ethanol really work.
  12. two of the owners at the place I dj'd at tonight have it. I sure as hell hope i dont get it!
  13. become a pipe fitter. oh wait they havent been that busy either. n/m
  14. The album works for me. Yea its not the same thing he did "back in the day". Time has a funny way of changing the way a artist receives the world around them, and how they express that. Not only has he changed... but the world that he writes about has as well. Also I think he veiws it thru different eyes now. The old stuff works for me when my life/mood fits it. Same with the new. I still cant wait to hear the new album and to see him on another tour. Saw him twice on the last one.
  15. What songs are you guys saying are junk?
  16. I am a big nails fan, and i really like with teeth. I like every song on the album. Can't wait for the new one.
  17. That thing looks huge from the sky. Really can see how massive it is.
  18. I like my 85 Z. Its N/A with around 85,xxx on the clock. There is a silver eighty something Z for sale here. I havent looked at it friends have told me about it. You could get it really cheap. It is said to be in good physical condition. Although I am not sure if it will move all that well.
  19. "Parents should not see this study as beneficial if their child is playing video games for over an hour a day," Gentile said. "Spending that much time playing video games is not going to help their child's chances of getting into medical school." LMAO
  20. Spidey2721


    First thing that came to my mind.
  21. ...when was the last time you saw a commercial for American reality tv? I think we have cornered the market for weird people here.
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