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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. http://www.mailorderbrides.com/ http://www.singlebrides.com/ from google
  2. she shaved her head big deal. why does that make her a psycho bitch?
  3. Ball Pythons, Python regius (also know as Royal Python) can be VERY hard to get to feed. They can decide to just not eat. They can go for 6-8 months at times where they will not eat. They are sold like crazy in the pet market. Most of them do not make it past a year or two. You need to offer food once a month. Times between feedings can depend on the size of the food item. A larger food item, they will go longer between feeding. If I were you I would get rid of that bark. It can be a haven for mold, disease, and parasites such as mites and ticks. They can also ingest it during feeding. This can cause compaction. A outdoor carpet works great. It is also very easy to clean and drys quickly. Although if the carpet starts to fray at the ends get rid of it. The snake can ingest the loose carpet. You should also pick up a hygrometer. these can be found at pet stores. You need to keep the humidity in the enclosure at around 60 percent. Also keep a hide box with a higher humidity of around 70-80 percent. make sure there is always fresh water for them. You need a dish that they completely submerge themselves in. They will do that often before they shed. Speaking of shedding try not to handle them before and after they shed. Before they shed that cant always see and will lash out at just about anything. Also try not to handle them after they eat. They might throw their food up on you. As far as heat goes... try not to use heat rocks. They have been know to burn snakes. I had one that shorted out and threw sparks. Its a good rule of thumb to not allow your snake to come into direct contact with any heat source. You need to have a warm end on the enclosure that stays roughly around 80-85 degrees. Also you need a basking spot that hits 90 degrees. The cooler end can be lower at around 70-75 degrees. Provide hide boxes in both areas. A hide box can be as simple as a clay flower pot turned upside down with a hole cut in it that allows the snake to get in. Or you can buy fancy ones from pet stores. PVC pipe can be used to create hide boxes too. As far as how much light. I never got too picky with that with most my snakes. 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark can be fine. Breeders sometimes will be very picky of their light and heat cycles to get their snakes to breed. I never really got into breeding my reptiles.You can search the web to find info on that if you like. Speaking of the web if you don't know this magazine you should check it out. The web site has great info, links, and also forums. http://www.reptilesmagazine.com Good luck hope I helped. Any other questions feel free to ask. Keep in mind this is just the tip of the iceburg. Get a good book on this snake and read it. later, jay
  4. I have only been to Norwalk a handfull of times. Never for a big event. Since the NHRA nats are there now, I was wondering what seats are best there. Usually at Natinoal Trails when we got reserved seats, we got them in line with the tree. How are the "motz 1c or 1d stands"? later, jay
  5. go oakland!! beat them jets!! bengals only hope. win sunday and root for oakland to win.
  6. Thats sad. I am not looking forward to the day that the Chinese tiger is gone. It pisses me off when a species is completely killed of because of our ignorance!
  7. If a elevator is over limit, isnt it supposed to have a fail safe that will not allow it to operate, until the weight in the car is lowered? later, jay
  8. RedBull that is all. Nothing compares.
  9. http://driving.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,22749-2372412_1,00.html
  10. +1 as well. although when i sold electronics most products had a 1 year.
  11. one of my favortie things to do in chicago during the day is to walk. where? anywhere, and everywhere. you can find a lot of neat things, just walking around there for a day, that you would normally miss if you were just going point a to point b. when your feet fall off though i have found cabs in chicago really pretty cheap as compared to even my crappy town. the art institute of chicago! yes, you should really spend time in the art museum! "Giordanos, best pizza ever (deep dish) You will be full with two pieces" yea like berto said. its good stuff. dang, now i want some. oh yea, like they said above me... makes sure you check out some of the jazz clubs around!! later, jay
  12. I always preferred him over Jeremy, but thats just me. I really hope he pulls through ok. My hopes and prayers will be with 'em. "I DID NOT HAVE MY TEETH WHITENED!"
  13. Yea, I will prolly be trying to quit soon too. Someone once told me that after three days that the nicotine is out of your system. After that its just the actual habit of smoking. One trick you can try is if you really want a smoke, smell a dirty ashtray. I was told that it was supposed to help you not want one. good luck.
  14. they should be fine. the "wide screen" version that you buy in stores is actually "wider" then the "wide screen" tv's you buy in stores.
  15. not really a chevy guy but I will say you got a nice looking car there.
  16. .. have any of you found any good tried and true ways to help you sleep? I cant really fall asleep anymore till I am completely exhausted. I have always been a night owl and dj'n doesn't help as I get home 3 nights a week around 3 am and usually cant relax after till 4 or 5 am. Anyone found any sleep aids that actually work and are not prescription or habit forming?
  17. I dont think the pit would be big enough for a NHRA race.
  18. Wizards magazine has fourms. YOu should look over there. What comics are you selling. Marvel, DC, Image, etc?? Any info??
  19. I just read the story just before coming here. I doubt BP will break even. I do expect that others to raise their price of fuel though.
  20. If you would want to have the motor built by someone I can prolly get a number for a guy in Michigan that builds 4.6's. A buddy of mine had a motor built by him and its nice. If you are going NPI look at the SVO intake.
  21. Oh no its still very active. Actually the company that just bought it is one of the biggest in America. The BDO job that I worked on in there (course thats more chem side) was a huge project with fun radiation stuff;-). Oh and maybe the fact we played around the river as kids is why we are so screwed up now.
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