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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. I call BS, Macs never crash or get infected.
  2. Such a waste of such a good drivetrain. Much better bodies to put that into. But I guess that convertible Maverick, er I mean Camaro looks ok.
  3. uh, did we just have a tremor?
  4. lol @ fox news. same group that supports corporations being people, and cash = free speech (SuperPACs anyone?). fox news...... :/
  5. You guys saying this chick is hot are making me confusey. I mean, her nose has been on a couple conference calls with a baseball bat.
  6. Hmm. Post by Linn with a Ford in it. Let me take a guess who wins before watching........
  7. Say what you will about Windows, but MS's approach, process, and speed to virus squashing is 2nd to none. Apple has been hiding behind small market share. Still are, worldwide, where they're still a gnat on a moose's ass, but that'll change as Russians, Chinese and Ethiopians et al learn how many hipster retards with loose cash to waste on shiny shiny own Macs...
  8. That right there is some WIN! Getting my business. (not in a gay way)
  9. you don't know many 59yr olds, do you?
  10. $20 in. If I win you will be seeing "leaked" cell phone threesome pics with Christina Hendricks and Angelina Jolie inside 6 months. Bank. Ok - foursome, I'll throw Sasha Cohen in there for spice. That, and I'll be wearing baby seal skin underwear caught fresh daily.
  11. Not really. But it does make them easier to figure out. I used cozi for about 6 months, went back to Google. But I will say cozi is easier for your nontechnical users - so you'll deal with fewer headaches from any boneheads in your group.
  12. if its gmail it'll "just work" on android
  13. I'd say Fuck em, let em die off or cause problems for their India and China neighbors. But... Zero Fucks to give over here.
  14. Worth a bump to post this: http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/19/world/meast/israel-iran-social-media/index.html?hpt=hp_c1 Nice to see some over there have the balls to say "fuck you govt censorship" and reach out direct citizen to citizen. Maybe if more countries' populations did this we'd have alot less WTF going on in World Politics. Gotta love what the internet is making possible. Cliff's Notes: Fuck Your Agendas, Govts. PS - gotta love the iranian responses. PPS - some Iranian (persian) women are HOT http://www.3quarksdaily.com/.a/6a00d8341c562c53ef016764065530970b-popup
  15. Yes. Yes you are. Last vehicle in the world I would choose. However, I did find myself thinking, to myself; "they ran out of gas!?! WTF, did they leave that highway without ONE of them syphoning some from the, oh, BAZILLION cars around them?"
  16. There's a place on morse rd. Surplus world. Haven't been there in a year. Their stock rotates. http://www.surplusworldonline.com/ Have gotten some decent ammo cans in there.
  17. Imperials always roll race. Rebels from a dig!!!
  18. The important thing I learned last night: Lauren Cohan has an english accent!?! WTF? That is NOT FAIR! Its like the trifecta. http://www.amctv.com/shows/talking-dead/video I jizzed ma pants just listening to her.
  19. PS - Kurt I love those wheels man. They look great on there.
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