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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. thx for the info beast. I'm on my 2nd blackberry now, and my previous phone two back that i hated the verizon overlay was a krzr - THAT was the one with the irritating Verizon OS overlay. My last two blackberries I've bought online then activated them myself. But i'm fed up with blackberry. As for size, I've always gone for brick or flips as small as possible to fit in my pocket (ala the Pearl) but i'm coming to the realization that for what I need I'll need to become one of those belt clipping nerds. I'm looking at the Motorola for the screen realestate and the keyboard (which I've tried in store and like). re: screen real estate - thats why i'm asking if verizon overlays the OS or not. re: functionality - Any rundown on what, if anything, in the OS they lock or restrict in any way?
  2. trowa said it- the menus et al. Like I said in the OT - the UI. If its clean of that crap and it is just the clean android os i'm getting it local.
  3. If I buy a Droid from a Verizon retailer here in town, does it come with all the Verizon crap on the OS that my last phone bought from Verizon did? I love the Verizon service, I hate the crap they put on your phone, especially their UI changes. Of course the last phone I bought directly from Verizon was 3 models ago so has it changed? Or should I do like I've done with my last 2 phones: order it online from a 3rd party vendor to get it clean, and activate it once it arrives?
  4. Pay off your house. Buying another means you have to sell your current one. Remember if nicer homes are down, yours is going to be too. Buy it, save $$$, and sit on it til prices recover. No amounts of tax savings comes close to the interest you're giving away on payments, no matter how good a rate you've got. Pay off early.
  5. 18M download? what service plan do you have?
  6. not surprised. westerville is secretly more trash than rich. true story.
  7. so much less shootable than a dog
  8. Shit Chuckin Apes on assembly lines making too much money AND GM making shitty vehicles (not coincidentally assembled by aforementioned apes) are what drove GM to the ground. Oddly enough, Honda and Toyota pay their employees more, and yet it costs them less, ANNNDDD theire cars are higher quality! (Not conincidentally by NOT being assembled by aforementioned Shit Chuckin Apes) So yeah, in a big part, it is the union's fault. Get over yourself. Go find a job that pays what you're worth. Like 1/4th what a UAW wage nets. ----------------- Back on topic: godspeed Henderson. Now, bring in the outsider.
  9. Stay safe. And G36s are ghey.
  10. I can't wait to be come instinct...
  11. 0-10 For the record, transformers were gay too. Still are. GI Joe was for mans.
  12. But you couldn't serve just any brand beer with it, it would only serve Apple Cider.
  13. He taught Wang Chung? Sweet http://flakmag.com/misc/images/wangchung.jpg
  14. You kids are sniffing glue again. I guarantee iw didnt "design" the game to fail on any system.
  15. MW2 on teh pc is a mess. The single player game crashed several times on me (not even to the 2nd mission even) - so many times I gave completely up on it. And this is on a brand new fresh win 7 install. The multiplayer game runs great and have nad no bugs or hiccups in it. However, the matchmaking system is truly junk. And the whole design decision around no static servers is stupid stupid stupid. I cant count the number of times a host has dumped out of a mission and you have to sit there twiddling your thumbs hoping the iw service finds another suitable host and the whole thing doesnt just dump oyu back to the main screen when it cant. The guns are VERY questionable choices. On and on. Having said all that, i'm playing it alot.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy1-8efNdpQ&feature=player_embedded
  17. wtf is up with multiplayer? good lord the lobby SUCKS. did I miss some crucial news bulletin that said infinity ward was releasing a console port instead of a pc game? this thing sucks. single player is pretty pimp though. EDIT: read the interwebz for what was up - thats what I get for not being a news trolling game nerd. well this one's going in the trash bin. someone call me when they fix this fukkup.
  18. Macs only let you download animal porn. You're safe.
  19. Actually - there are virus's for macs, and any other unix based os, actually for any os. Not like you didnt know, but people like to delude themselves.
  20. Whatever you do, dont let it see your OLD android:
  21. Ah mang, I think I got scammed http://www.gadgetmadness.com/archives/hammacher-lost-in-space-b9-robot.jpg
  22. KAZOWWW! http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-2/944597/fangs2.JPG
  23. Orrrr I could not bother because of a stupid smart-mouthed kid. Yeah, I think I'll choose that option. Guess you gotta figure out life on your own, son. Yep, I've been just this unpleasant on this board for 7 years now.
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