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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. I'm confused. Aren't you guys jumping to conclusions? Where in his post does it say he did donuts in this car? Maybe he was just making a comment on RWD? Anyhow - Sweet car. Good choice. Congrats - once you go domestic you never go back. Silver. Is it THIS silver http://www.pontiac.com/images/gmbp/16002/vehicle/2005/med/192_470G.gif or THIS silver? http://www.pontiac.com/images/gmbp/16002/vehicle/2005/med/192_276M.gif (sorry for the 05 pics, there were two silver choices in 04 too right?)
  2. Mainly toward AudiOn19s but anyone with info I'd appreciate. So I finally finally finally got a chance semi-decently by hand wash and wax the CTS-V this weekend and slathered a nice thick coat of Meguiars Gold class (non carnuba synthetic) on there (I had it in the garage already). My question is - I get gas at a place that has a new touch free car wash and I like to just send the car thru there once a week when I fill up. I don't even remotely have the time to wash the car by hand every week, and being black it IS going to get washed - so the question is: How long can I reasonably expect that Meguiars wax to hold up? ~1 wash, ~10 washes, ~50 washes? Just trying to figure my wash to wax ratio. I'd also like to go Zaino or Rejex or NXT next go round, so consider the same question for those. Or any good non-carnuba hand applied wax in general: Wax vs Car Wash soap - how long?
  3. <font size=+5>Raaawwwrrr!!!</font> http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-2/944597/JDMVolvoFangoria.jpg
  4. Does twenty grand more and another hundred or two horsepower buy me entry into this dick swinging? If not I'll just go back to watching a movie on my dash. Carry on. [ 10. April 2005, 02:00 AM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  5. wease - still waiting to hear back from my staffer
  6. As always - if you're doing stuff in IT (primarily development) and ever find you want to move on - please PM me. Thx.
  7. Heh - get used to the look of the rear - its all most of you are gonna be seeing. graemlins/lol.gif
  8. I still like the dancing chick walking into mordor pic - alas can't seem to find it anymore
  9. Original title. Since editted. I hate debating religion. Its always half history. Lets talk about bewbs or beers.
  10. Do you beleive modern catholics think they do? Because on the surface this statement implies it. I'll mention that alot of catholics today choose to look on old things like the Sistine Chapel built hundreds of years ago by people nobody today has met or talked to as a monument to god. Not a fancy house for some pompous dude in a pointy hat that reminds some people of some old guy they were scared of as a kid. But we're dumb like that. And last I looked it wasn't armed with non-catholic seeking missles, so I don't see how these architectural expressions of love, awe, wonder, and thanks are repressing anyone else's faith. Maybe its the mind ray projector built into the dome by da Vinci. Could be that. I must have been confused by the thread titled "fuck catholics", but moving on... You can't describe the outside of the system - in this metaphor, the house - because you can't assume anything about the boundaries of the system, the walls of the house. Are they 4" thick walls all around? Uniform? Is the outside paint green? Is there a big external garage tacked on the side? Are there porcelain elephants glued to the roof? You have no way to know. All you can do as an internal observer is guess. Mistaking assumption for axiom is a error unthorough scientists who jump to conclusions make. Einstein and Newton "got it". And Stephen Hawking seems to be coming around slowly. [ 07. April 2005, 01:13 AM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  11. For the caddy there's really only the stock, the Corsa, or the B&B. B&B has proven gains but its too loud for me.
  12. I editted - missed the edit. I'm notorious for 3 edits before I'm done, so there. So, if some do questionable practicing of something do we smacktalk all practicioners? Some people speed while driving their cars. Should all car drivers go to jail?
  13. Well, you just said it yourself - you're mixing the practice and/or what some practicioners of a religion do in with the religion itself. BTW - Catholicism does not say "doing good deeds" will get you into heaven. ACK - stop sucking me back in!!! I'd rather talk about the exhaust you're putting on that LS6 and any gains you measure with it, because I'm seeing some conflicting info on the Corsa system offered for the Caddy.
  14. Government I'll gladly talk about - thats fun. BTW - iwishiwascool nailed the atheism thing on the head - thats exactly it. So, government... wait. I want to say something about Wikipedia. I have a problem with Wikipedia in that its really a lowest-common-denominator repository of opinions. That is - if someone comes and writes a 100% correct definition of some topic that pisses off alot of people, then someone will come in and overwrite that definition. Eventually everything boils down to the least offensive communally agreeable definition of things - as opposed to the truth. So take wikipedia entries on things with a BIG grain of salt. Anyhow - I think you're confusing the term "form" of government with the body of government. That is, a collection of dudes standing around we call "the government". If you think of government as how people relate to one another, or how they govern themselves, then you'll see what I mean. anarchy as a form of governing. The form where everybody does their own thing, indulges their own desires, no rules. Take an example: the power goes out and POOF - anarchy. "The Government" crumbles and the people do whatever they want. Chaos reigns. Now, around the drinking holes and wells, and gas stations and other valuable things, bullies and gangs start laying claim. Want some water? It'll cost you... Boom. And just like that another form government is starting... one that looks alot like fuedalism. In any gathering of humans complete chaos never lasts long. Order appears within days, hours, minutes, seconds. Anarchy is the least stable form of government.
  15. You could make that case. Its not. Those in the community of catholicism who think that don't "get it". If there are priests who imply or actually do that - bad apples abusing or taking advantage of "the system". You also get cheaters in CS:Source, Nascar races, ice skating, and government. I can make a case that it was due to a sin against the cosmos that caused the Tibetans to lose their nation to Communist China. But I can make alot of cases that sound good. My point, along the lines of what IwishIwasCool alludes to, is this: history only goes so far in describing modern religions' current incarnation. Its WAY overused. I know where cars came from, but I haven't shoed any donkeys or hitched up any oxcarts in my entire life. Whoa - this is dangerously teetering on becoming a debate or a quorum for dudes to flaunt about their history knowledge in a pissing contest - and I REALLY don't want to land there, as I'd rather have teeth pulled without anethesia, so I'm applying full throttle and doing a touch-n-go and flying off to get laid. Bye. smile.gif
  16. I apologize to the forum for my outburst. I don't feel any cumpulsion to apologize to Satan when the opening statement out of the gate was "go to hell, pope. catholics are morons" - but I will endeavor not to jump his shit going forward. So - since this thread started in shit and seems to be moving out of it, I'll see if I can add some constructive comments to it for folks to think on before the next time they may feel compelled to post some blanket anti-catholic or anti-religion hoohaa. Stream of consciousness - here you go: Scientists that say they know there can be no god by looking at the universe aren't very good scientists. Why do I say that? Because of one simple scientific axiom that they all overlook or willingly ignore in their zeal to not be "religious", and that is this: From inside a system, an observer cannot fully describe said system. Whats that mean? Example. If you're in a coffee mug and cannot see out of it - you cannot describe the kitchen the coffee mug is sitting in. The BEST you can do is describe the coffee and the inner surface of the mug. You can't even describe the outside of the mug. All you can do is guess. Someone tells you they can fully describe a system they are embedded in - you tell them they are wrong. Next - evil in the name of religion. "So much evil in the world done in the name of religion. So much! The Horror!" I'm not here to defend religion, but this is a stupid statement. Why? More good is done by religions than evil. Sure evil happens by idiots using religion as the reason. Ok. Car crashes kill more people each year than religious zealots. Cars evil? Land and border skirmishes do too. Land evil? Money causes more evil deeds. Money evil? more evil done due to Sex and lust? Sex evil? Lust evil? Next to that, the idea that organized religion is the scourge of mankind is laughable. But hey - the atheists have got it down. Nothing bad was ever done by a group of organized athiests. Oh woops, forgot about the Nazis and WWII... Next - Athieism is a religion. Next - anarchy is the least stable form of government. Next - Catholicism should answer for historical events. Bullshit. Putting aside the fact that asking someone today to answer for something done hundreds of years before by completely different people is absurd - there's a whole issue of WHO actually did what. Is its catholicisms fault that some Roman emperor saw the writing on the wall and hijacked catholicism as a means to keep his power? Its not catholicisms fault - if anything it'd be the Roman empire's fault. (But they got what was coming to them.) Is it catholicism's fault then that the wealthy powers of the middle ages took his cue and further hijacked the religion in the name of maintaining their influence and wealth? No. Along the same line's protestants' religion isn't any less valid even though it got a big start because some king wanted to screw a court chick and wasn't allowed to divorce his ugly wife. Thats not 2005 protestants' fault. On this same topic - I'd like to also say that I'm not paying anyone for slavery, nor am I going to ask for money due to the potato famine, I choose not to sue the Moors for invading Spain, China doesn't get to charge Japan because Kublah Khan's boats sank, psychics shouldn't be hauled off to Russia and shot because of Rasputin, and I'm not going to pay a royalty on St Patrick's day. Thank you. Next - people that are fed up with Catholicism and leave are usually leaving the edifice. They leave typically because they disliked the people in their parishes or their parents or the bullshit they encounter in the community - not the tenants of the religion. Next - people that hate/fear catholics or religious people or such typically are projecting (thats a psychology term) something from somewhere else in their life. I've not seen any catholic or protestant or jew push their religion on someone else. BTW- saying something religious out loud is NOT cohersion. Holding a gun to your head and dragging you into a synagogue is cohersion. Next - protestants post billboards. Thanks, Swaggard. Next - is it catholicisms fault that the bible looks the way it does? Again - thank those wacky Romans. You can thank the emperor for sitting around with his posse of homies and deciding that such-n-such books get in and so-n-so books get tossed. And so we lose wonderful insights into Jesus's humanity, Mary's reality, and a bunch of other insightful stuff. Lost because some middle ages emperors and rulers decide the best way to keep their power is to choose materials sympathetic to them. Catholicism survived in spite of this raping. It is not defined from it. Kudos to catholicism for not rolling over from all these historical abuses. Next - don't use debate tactics on me. I see them the moment they're used for what they are. So if you know what they are - don't use em when you're talking to me - It just pisses me off. It may work on the girl you're trying to impress or the dude you're sitting next to having a beer with. But don't waste my time. Next - people confuse the rituals of catholicism for the religion itself. Again - learn something please. The traditions are there because thats what you get when you have an institution that is thousands of years old. Why do people do the seventh inning stretch in baseball? Because people like to do stuff with other people. But where folks go wrong is in assuming that all these little rituals constitutes the tenants of the religion itself. No. They're just little venues for you to take a moment out of life ot think about god or talk to god. Walking up to the front of the church to get a cracker on your tongue? Ok, I could think about the car or my house payment or that chick's knockers. But I might as well think about god. Likewise - all these rituals are providing you memories, or vignettes, to, again: connect you to god. Confusing ritual for religion is only only 1/4 the analysis - you're not done, homeslice. Next - I'm not really a "practicing" catholic. Its not even big in my life. But I don't spout off on the religion for not being as casual as say modern spirituality. All the little rituals too much of a pain in the ass? Don't do em. I don't. But I also don't knock catholicism for not being as convenient and easy as say lighting an incense candle and humming "oooohm". In other words - being religious or thinking about it "when I feel like it." I'm not stupid enough to out loud knock catholics for putting a little skin in the game and meaning it. But then I'm also not scared of them either. On that note, I'm also not scared of athiests, jews, muslims, mormons, moonies, or spritualists. They do their thing I'll do mine. Next - Catholics don't buy their way into heaven. I don't ever recall being told that. I don't know any catholics that confuse contribution or even participation as being "holy". In fact I remember a whole assload of never ending sermons saying just the opposite. If you meet a catholic that says the rituals are the religion - they don't "get it". Feel free to explain it to them. Next - catholicism doesn't keep up fast enough with science or social change. Again - thats what you get when you have to think on the scale of billions of people and thousands of years. You can't thrash around with every new scientific discovery or social change that occurs. The top level has to wait until something is firmly, firmly, proven - in the case of science, or firmly enscounced in the form of social change before they can absorb that into the tenants of the religion. Thats the problem the pope's face - in their "Day job" they can only mandate policy for the church at a pace in in a path that does the best for as many as it can (around the world) and that doesn't require a change in direction in 10 years. The local chapters can be more in tune with the times and the local society. But thats the point. Next - Cardinal is the highest level in the catholic church heirarchy. "Pope" is an elected logistical position. Thats all. And that heirarchy is a defining structure for those in the church obsy itself. Not the "flock". The pope is no closer to god than me. But if I get a chance to talk to him I can be assured I'm talking to a guy that spends a whole lot more time thinking about it than I do. I also find it useful to talk to a plumber about plumbing, a mechanic about mechanics, a lawyer about contracts... I also argue with them. But I try not to waste too much time asking lawyers about my turbo. Ok, so now I feel like I contributed to this shit piss-ass thread and negated my outburst, so I'll stop here. [ 06. April 2005, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  17. just saw this wease - doh. shoulda sent me a pm. let me check.
  18. i knew you'd start quoting old irrelevent shit. i'm not here to debate i'm not here to educate i'm here to use my fingers to type: drop the anti-catholic shit you uncompassionate asshole EDIT: I'm out. I don't need to get banned
  19. Listen to Matt. You only post anticatholic shit that I've noticed. And you only post it to get a rise. Ok. This time after multiple posts - You got one. Me. So now what do you want to do? I'm not here to defend Catholicism. and I'm not in a mood to debate. I'm just tired of YOUR SHIT. MODERATORs - please close thie thread - its only going one place - me banned.
  20. not trying to oppress you. not taking anything away from you. yeah you're entitled to voice your opinion. yeah you're entitled to wish someone goes to hell. yeah you're entitled to mock someone dieing. and i'm entitled to say out loud for you to shut the fuck up instead of spouting off bullshit born out of your lack of knowledge the pope is no higher or closer to god than me - but you didn't know that did you
  21. Let me be clear and to the point: Fuck off Satan. Tired of the anti-catholic assholes, I've held my breathe long enough. Anyone here got a problem with that? Let talk in person. I can accomodate.
  22. loss lose loose -- ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG Eh its the same everywhere man.
  23. Yeah. Like at Fritters or something.
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