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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Um yeah, okaaay... http://www.richardsimmons.com/images/aboutimg.jpg
  2. Profit? Ain't no profit in that.
  3. I didn't just read about someone bragging on their mom's car did I? Here's my coupon for my last 2 minutes back please.
  4. Yes. The kitchen thread was the tamest newb beatdown I've seen in awhile. They used to be SO entertaining. Welcome to the site.
  5. Its fake - the gun flashes give it away - oh and the retarded acting.
  6. Are you an LLC? Do you do Corp to Corp? Are you looking to get hired on? I assume Seopro is you only. W2? 1099? I assume you're a citizen and not on H2 via Seopro? Have you looked over my list of openings? Any experience in EDI with GreatPlains and or Axapta? Biztalk? How much experience in java in a non-webpage environment? The webpage leaves abit ambiguous. If no resume do you have a portfolio or account/client list?
  7. Just went back and squinted and saw the line and the dot. Dudes, thats a camera and/or lens anomaly, thats no object at all. Bah humbug.
  8. I play for both teams. BTW - the Cobra was faster. *ducks for cover*
  9. Can I join? We have the same engine.
  10. Waxed the CTS-V, pics to follow. Oh wait this is your thread... sorry.
  11. I shall now take the opportunity to compare and contrast this DSM burning video with the previous Corvette burning video: No Ricer asshat children going "Ah HA that was great! We got it on tape! Sweet. Ha ha ha ha ha...." Discuss.
  12. Here's the "modern" History book version of WWII. Abridged. Hitler killed alot of jews for no reason. Doesn't get away with it. America drops atomic bombs on Japan for no reason. Gets away with it. *<font -1>Everything else is just "detail" to be ignored. Clouds conclusion.</font> Conclusion: WWII, 50% for bad guys getting their come-upance. **But someday evil America will fall too. The End.
  13. Not over the security council seat bid, but over the whole whitewashing of history thing. Chinese Rampage
  14. Lets let a few of those stray in Wisconsin...
  15. I see nothing. What am I missing?
  16. Bright side: at least it wasn't the GTO. I'd be calling for blood then. Good luck getting it back and here's hoping the guys that took it spend a night in the pokey with Hector the Manlover.
  17. "Engine wear actually decreases as oil ages." Interesting The Article.
  18. Wait til a mayoral election year. Thats when the potholes get fixed.
  19. There's your first problem. ... Hell I'm happy I only owe $4,000 this year instead of $20,000. I look at it as paying for blacktop on roads.
  20. I was thinking the same thing - "what, are they the Three Stooges or something? Put out the fucking fire you asshats."
  21. Forgot to add - please PM with a resume, don't reply to this thread or I'll miss your post most likely. If my mailbox gets full by all means yell in the thread. But I don't really read these threads - I just come here to post. smile.gif
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