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Everything posted by ansonivan

  1. Looking for a basic At&T phone on the cheap, decent battery life a plus. I continually find new ways to ruin my phone, tired of buying new ones.
  2. ansonivan

    Gun pulled

    This only happens on the second Tuesday of the 5th week in January. I remember hearing this tale 20 years ago when I lived on CT, back then the gang was located on Hartford. I'm surprised they moved to Columbus.
  3. My high school homeroom teacher had a different take on surviving the big one: "who would want to?" Dude's advice was simple: "strip naked and face the blast"
  4. Pictars of said six? I've done wheel bearings on a few 3's and 6's with under 60k on the odo. Over all they seem like decent transportation, not as spartan as a Camry, not as prone to parts consumption as an Allroad.
  5. Dodged a bullet there Patterson, thank the sweet baby jesus. If you end up test driving an LGT feel free to bring it by the shop for a look-see on the lift, I've heard lots of good things about the lesbian grand tourer and would love a fist hand, err, first hand look.
  6. stock 1993 integra weight - 2600 lbs 170hp = 15lbs per hp Blingtastic integra weight - 4470 lbs 298hp = 15lbs per hp I may have slightly over estimated the weight of the dude's A/V jungle
  7. "fresh powdah bitches!" http://images.free-extras.com/pics/p/peter_griffin-1108.jpg
  8. May take you up on this, you'll need to play Debbie Does Dallas on the tv prior to shutgun dispatch. DDD must be played on a Betamax type vcr.
  9. xbox 360 20gig hd $30 obo 32 inch beast of a tube TV - sold xbox 360 sold
  10. Another vote for: tip top Betty's Also, Yellow Brick Pizza is a cool little place to try, tons of weird pizza options and an excellent beer selection. http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=pizza+parsons&fb=1&gl=us&hq=pizza+parsons&hnear=Columbus,+OH&ei=fwEJTZnDHs7YnAe6jfmBAQ&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&resnum=4&ved=0CAgQtgMwAw
  11. Research alloys on Goodale, they'll sell it to you at scrap prices and can rough cut it to size. They're only open week days and you may get some mud on your boots but you'll save a serious chunk of change. http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=research+alloys&fb=1&gl=us&hq=research+alloys&hnear=Columbus,+OH&cid=0,0,11166507450804407957&ei=t-UITZS0GZTRngetjZ1P&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=4&ved=0CDAQnwIwAw
  12. I replaced one on my dryer a few years back. Googled the model number, ordered the part from a reputable online parts supplier and replaced it in an afternoon. The drive motor burned out a week later and I tossed the damn thing. This was a ten + year old dryer, your experience should be better.
  13. Thought the thread tittle said "free fleshlight" I am disappoint.
  14. Hugely built Granada from Norway, much goodness. http://www.moddedmustangs.com/forums/modular-mustangs/172107-modded-european-ford.html http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0803/Zzz...Zzz/granada.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0803/Zzz...Zzz/30083_429677221046_528711046_612530.jpg Also http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0803/Zzz...Zzz/DSC00381.jpg
  15. I don't blame you man, I wouldn't be down for that race either.
  16. Filthrocco is going to eat the Audi for dinner and stay hungry for a Subaru or two. Thenk you veddy much.
  17. Vhat is this "meats" I keep hearing about?
  18. ansonivan

    Sunday 12-12

    May be in for some action this evening, hopefully we get more snow today.
  19. Clintonville 10 minutes ago, is good. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5085/5254658950_e31fc3afae_b.jpg
  20. The rubberlayin threads are like an abusive spouse... I know it's going to hurt but I just go back for more.
  21. Showered since but still have the spotty beard. See also, ill fitting pants made from weird looking knit nylon.
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