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Everything posted by ansonivan

  1. Clean looking engine swap, welcome sir.
  2. Went with the General HTS 109t through tirerack. I'll be mounting them Monday, will report back with how lumpy they are so that Derek can give me an "I told you so"
  3. Gayest show ever, shot after shot of oiled up dudes wrestling around? Very gay. Loved the first season, no homo
  4. The van will see 6,000 miles/year max so the tires will probably dry rot long before wearing out. This makes cheap the primary goal. I'll be towing with the van so XL is a requirement for sure.
  5. I'm in the market for a set of tires for my e150 tow van, 235/75/15 is the size and cheap is the mandate. General Grabber HTS 109T is the cheapest ($100 each) tire I can find with a 2200lb rating, reviews on the tirerack are favorable. Looking for a yay/nay on these things or alternative choices. http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tires.jsp?tireMake=General&tireModel=Grabber+HTS&partnum=375TR5GRHTSOWLXL&vehicleSearch=false&fromCompare1=yes
  6. If you can hit the bolt heads with a torch without damaging the boot that would probably make all the difference. MAPP gas torch does a lot better than propane.
  7. In the market for a spare wheel for my van and a pair or set of decent used 235/75/15 LT tires. Next stop is a visit to the yards, just prefer to avoid that whole debacle if possible. 5x139.7 lugs - e150 or early f150 wheels will work
  8. Leads? yeah, sure. I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts! http://www.tenthmil.com/images/uploads/blogs/lebowski_leads_.png
  9. This dude is parting a 328i... says he's in a hurry = lowball? http://ohiobimmers.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2783
  10. Sleeping on the couch is ok but the bed is better.
  11. Apparently the table is in use holding up some art project, no sale.
  12. That completely depends on who's doing the work, where he's buying the parts and the level of finish expected. No idea.
  13. Thanks for moving the posting... I'm having a dumb morning. The car is a dark blue 2 door. Not interested in trades at this point.
  14. That's the sort of traction problem I would love to endure, outstanding.
  15. Recently moved ours to the basement, if the wife will permit the sale I'll get you dimensions/pictures.
  16. I'm interested in renting a car trailer to transport my turd Scirocco to the 2010 GRM Challenge in Gainesville Florida. I would prefer to spend the money with someone local rather than go through U-Haul or Sunbelt. I can provide personal and work contact info and whatever means of deposit/collateral you see fit to secure the trailers undamaged return. September 29 through October 4 2800lb car 1800 mile round trip http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1424/3266577265_77fe35ab64_o.jpg
  17. Truth ^ http://www.gscalecentral.co.uk/f/download.axd?file=0%3B61802&where=msg
  18. For sure, I've wasted too much time trying to save a customer money, they end up irritated and I end up hanging new rotors anyway. Might as well skip the middle step
  19. Thanks for the heads up, ordered a set for my van.
  20. Add "not worth it" to the list. Unless the rotors are absurdly expensive I would never mess with refacing.
  21. Any luck finding this or an alternate transmission oil? I have a high rpm synchro crunch on the turd VW. *edit - found your post about ordering it from PWJDM... $18 per liter... ouch. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1198222&highlight=torco+rtf#post1198222
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