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Everything posted by Bgbdbn

  1. And this is Lord Voldemort and Sadie http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y288/Bgbdbn/voldemort016.jpg [ 04. June 2005, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: Bgbdbn ]
  2. I wonder what some people watching those rallies are thinking. "hey guys look there is a car flying towards me, im gonna stand in front of it and get a good look"
  3. Bgbdbn

    Computer Games

    Battlefield Vietnam also. You will be addicted. I use both the keyboard/mouse and a controller. I use the Keyboard/mouse to do all ground activities and the joystick to fly planes and helocopters.
  4. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y288/Bgbdbn/Picture001.jpg
  5. Bgbdbn

    It's a GIRL!!!

  6. Silverstars are the shit for replacement headlights. I have them in my Jeep and they were a huge improvement over the stock headlights.
  7. Level the light house.
  8. I`m a caged demon who loves to poke lesbians
  9. I like the shot gun. Cuts them in half.
  10. graemlins/thumb.gif congratulations
  11. Glad I'm headed out to Cali on Saturday. Enjoy the snow everyone!
  12. Glad to hear things are going well so far. Hope everything gets better in the future.
  13. I have a Baja sport 184. Go out to Buckeye Lake and Alum Creek mostly.
  14. Sorry to hear about your friend.
  15. Are those street legal?
  16. Ouch. That dyno run got real expensive. Atleast nobody got hurt. Looks like stuff went flying everywhere.
  17. Congrats man, whore it up as much as you can. Enjoy the spotlight.
  18. That thing is fucking sweet. Im with Ricochet on that, if I had the money I would have one!
  19. Bgbdbn

    Obsessed much?

    That is totally stupid yet cool.
  20. Bgbdbn


    She is young. Maybe she will grow out of it and talk with sense.
  21. Thats pretty fucked up, but are those bags freezer safe?
  22. Thats pretty sad. They are worried about mints with caffine in them, I bet the teacher in the classroom had a cup of coffee on the desk.
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