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Everything posted by Bgbdbn

  1. I have a Flow Master on my Jeep. It is a 40 series Delta Flow. It sounds better and is no louder than the stock muffler.
  2. Bgbdbn

    small vid

    Hey thats pretty good. Any chance of setting up a show for all the people on CR sometime this summer.
  3. Eastland Shell has CAM2 and across the street Eastland Citgo has VP Racing fuel. Both are on Hamilton and Groves rd. just off of I-70 on the east side.
  4. Congratulations hope everything goes well.
  5. How can he be charged with killing her. The feeding tube was removed. She couldnt feed herself or drink any water herself and she passed away. If removing something sustaining someones life is killing them what about parents who have had the plug pulled on there kids. The parents are the gaurdians, there kids have no living will, they are unable to survive without the aid of life support equipment, and there injuries are servere enough that there is no hope of recovery. Parents pull the plug and the kid dies. So from what you are saying those parents should be classified as murderers. I doubt it.
  6. Welcome to the board.
  7. I like the red rectangle, the stereo plays much better mucic and it sounds like it is a much higher performance car than the green rectangle.
  8. If the law says its street legal, then you have a street legal car.
  9. Got one very similar to that. Dear Ben, Thanks for your mail. Due to time constraint on the fact that we are running short of time,actually my client want to use the vehicle as a birthday gift to his wife. I am delighted to tell you that he has commended your vehicle after considering what you said, he instructed me to carry on with this transaction, he also instructed me to inform you that payment will get to you in a cashier check of $17,300, which is a refund payment of a cancelled order earlier made by my client. Due to company policy this check has to be made out in this amount to you ,because company policy only allows a refund payment on one cashier cheque. So you are required to deduct the cost of your vehicle $9,900 when payment gets to you and refund balance $7,400 to the shipper for him to be able to offset shipping & tax charges, and other cosmetic repair costs. After payment has reached you and balance sent to shipper, the shipper's agent will come for pick up of vehicle & s! igning of title papers,handle some cosmetic touches if any and drive to a prepaid shipper to be shipped to my customer. Confirm this and forward your Names, Address and Phone number for payment to be made to you as soon as possible. Best Regards to you. Tim.
  10. It was freakin nice today. Hope tomorrow is even better. Bringing the truck home and hopefully get the front end on it. Get it ready for this spring and summer.
  11. Bgbdbn


    graemlins/lol.gif Seems to be the truth sometimes.
  12. I'm gonna guess your stuck with the ticket. They would rather have you stop than speed.
  13. Got something similar to that. Was looking at a Ray Barton Hemi on ebay. Same deal, the item dissapeared. Now this engine is probably in the neighborhood of around $50,000 or more and the asking price was $3000. So I was skeptical but thought hey if its for real cool The guy emailed me and wanted the money Western Unioned to him also. HMM, not insureable. The item description said the guy was in Illinoise, so I told him Ill just come pick it up and pay him cash. He then tells me he is in Greece. So I email him back and tell him no problem Ill just book passage on a cargo ship and come and pick it up. He wanted no part of this. He emails me and asks me if I trust him and we needed to get this transaction done because he needed to get rid of the engine. So I emailed him and said no I do not trust you and if you want to sell it I will pick it up in person and pay you cash. Never heard from him again.
  14. Could you imagine the image in little kids minds if he did fight back. The Easter Bunny beating up a kid. They would be traumatized. And there parents, who would they call first. The lawyer or the psychiatrist. Still I think I would have knocked the little fucker out and dealt with whatever I had to afterwards.
  15. Will your friend be stocking Cannondale bikes by any chance? I am in the market for a fully suspended bike and have been leaning towards a Cannondale.
  16. Oh Hell yeah, not only is the guy fucked up from the ever so sweet double flip but then they just beat the fuck out of him and pick him up and run him somewhere. Bet the dude thinks twice before taking someone hostage again.
  17. Im guessing Buick. Just watching tv you dont see many Buick commercials. But there are a fair amount of pontiac commercials. They are bringing out new models and spending more money on advertising for Pontiac. And the advertising for Pontiac is always kinda up beat and fun looking. The Buick people have Tiger Woods, makes you think of a nice quiet golf course somewhere, may be exciting for some.
  18. Ive been looking to get into riding. Did a little last year but want to do a lot more this year.
  19. Engines cool. Body sucks.
  20. Stupid kids, didnt there mom tell them about horse playing with sharp objects.
  21. its all timing and sequence. And clicking on the right things.
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