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Everything posted by Bgbdbn

  1. Bgbdbn

    Google Earth

    Thats neat, I can see my dads truck parked on the street in front of the house.
  2. LOL, My little brothers friend got one of these. Keep in mind we think he is an idiot. But now he says his stock Dodge Ram 1500 that has a 318 will outrun a 5.0 mustang. He cut a hole in his airbox and bolted it on. It appears to be a combustion air blower off of a furnace. I cant believe people are buying these things against the better judgement of others around them.
  3. That is some pretty slick engineering.
  4. you can have it for friday and saturday and the next day and the next and so on. I have no use for it, it is taking up space in the shed. So if it fits you can have it.
  5. You want a spot cooler. http://www.kwikool.com/?OVRAW=spot%20cooler&OVKEY=spot%20cooler&OVMTC=standard
  6. Do you know if a reese hitch off of a late 80`s early 90`s s-10 fits. If it does I have one here you could have. I got it off of my cousins s-10 blazer.
  7. Battlefield 2 Battlefield Vietnam These are two really good shoot em up games. They are first person shooter and a lot of fun to play online.
  8. Pretty cool, but arent those special effects kinda high budget for a porno.
  9. That pretty sweet but not $4595 sweet.
  10. Awesome. Does the car get fenders or does it stay fenderless? What is the top speed of something like that?
  11. Here is an article on importing dogs and other animals. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dq/animal.htm
  12. We usually board our dogs and cats when going on vacations. The dogs range in size from 10 pounds up to almost 100 pounds. We have never had a bad experience and the dogs seem very well taken care of. I would suggest that you ask to see the facilities that the dogs will be kept in and where they will be exercised. But I wouldnt give it a second thought the dogs are fed and watered daily and well taken care of.
  13. Cool Ill give them a call today. Thanks.
  14. Who in town sells 3.5" and 4" exhaust pipe? Thanks for the help.
  15. Bgbdbn


    Maybe third times the charm on the avatar
  16. There are some very strange people on this earth.
  17. Bgbdbn


    Well, now you can vote and join the military. You still have to wait to legally drink. Yay! But happy birthday!
  18. Thats some neat shit right there. You can wash and wax your truck and make it look really nice, and then strategically place mud on it so it doesnt ruin the rest of the shine. Just think all the people will see you going down the road and think you are a bad ass.
  19. We dont do much to ours at all. We have a pump that circulates the water to a small stream and water fall, which aerates the water. We skim the leaves and things every so often. In the winter we put a pond heater in it to keep a hole in the ice for escaping gas and in the spring we clean the ponds. There are about ten or twelve fish in our ponds and they have been in there for almost four years. They seem happy.
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