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Everything posted by Archie

  1. Stepdad cares not if people know the owner. He will drive his Camaro drunk into the establishment, fuck the women, and beat the kids... cuz that's what stepdads do. Seriously though, I know everyone in Westerville - I also run around there sticking my cock in every little slut nest beehive around that town, so as a patriot of the city I demand to know who has done this. THE PEOPLE OF WESTERVILLE WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!!!!
  2. You need to tell Stepdad what bar it is. I really don't like people fucking around in my hood...
  3. Bolt that thing down with some wedge bolts and expoxy... it would probably work good.
  4. I will put this story to rest - Monty has been MIA anyway so I don't really care. Part 1 At some point during a normal relationship between a boy and a girl, Monty decided the time had come to reveal his sexy physique to his girlfriend at the time. He ever so discretely snuck into the bathroom at his parent's house one lazy afternoon, took off his clothes (which are nicely folded on the vanity counter in the picture - a little easter egg if you will...), and used cutting edge technology at that time to snap a hott sexy pic of that bloated gut, late 80's bush, and average sized half-boner. This picture message was eagerly sent to his unsuspecting and very lucky girlfriend. Part 2 Upon recieving this multimedia text message masterpiece, his potentially excited girlfriend had an unforseen reaction to this courting method. Overcome with laughter, she simply forwarded this message on to many friends and acquaintences they shared so that they may also have this magical ray of light brighten their day. Little did she know that that this small action would snowball into hilarity of biblical proportions for years to come. This same picture, unedited, would be posted on local racing sites - craigslist's infamous "men for men" section - as well as resent to Monty and friends to resurrect the experience like it was being enjoyed for the first time. This picture has recently been resent with a celebrity guest, which has only been seen by very few so far...
  5. Tilted Klit. Overcome with jealousy from all those whores slutting around that place and she'll let you fuck her in the ass for sure.
  6. You can't get comparable reliability, performance, or luxuries out of any other car within this price range for a used car - maybe new, but a used one I dare you to find a comparison. Fords and Audis are fucking garbage.
  7. Archie

    GTP Folks

    Anyone get the infamous sunroof leak? Mine isn't leaking a lot at all but I've heard that the drain tubes always get leaks or become disconnected. I've done some googling but couldn't really find anything useful. Just thought I'd see if anyone has fixed this before I start ripping my car apart.
  8. Archie


    A lot of people don't care for them but I liked the one I rode, had a nice feel and works if your too lazy to do all that leaning and fucking around shit.
  9. I usually have a squirter spray in my mouth as a refreshing pregame cocktail
  10. Archie

    Where does...

    Go to the Tilted Klit with stepdad and fuck some single moms that work there
  11. damn, this is very tempting. How old is he? Is he house broken?
  12. Buy a bigger penis and you won't need either of these cars...
  13. Hopefully the beagle bark... How is he on not running away? is he more like a retriever or a beagle?
  14. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f214/apietra/untitled.jpg
  15. is this the only jailbreak for 4.3.1 out right now?
  16. That's all cops have done for me, write me a fucking ticket. I've never had them serve or protect jack shit, a bunch of worthless fucks that couldn't make it in the private sector.
  17. They should change the name of this site to ColumbusGayAsAIDS.com, why in the fuck would you throw this thread into a section meant for sponsors to advertise? I want information from the people on this site regarding AUTOMOTIVE INFORMATION, not the fucking sponsors. Move this motherfucker back so I can get some god damn input you silly window lickers.
  18. Can anyone recommend a good, cheap, quality shop to have a buddys car looked at? It's using some oil and seems to be burning a bit at the head (valve seals?), any recommendations are appreciated.
  19. Maybe "The Full Monte" bought this car to flip it?
  20. Archie


    My truck got broken into last week too!!! Quit putting Jew curses on people!!!
  21. No clue... I'd at least like what I could get for it in scrap.
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