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Everything posted by Archie

  1. Try running your cocksucker to someone else, I don't even have time to fuck with you. BC, my comments were out of line. I guess my frustration started when I read about you getting sick, ect., from working in a call center all day. It's a lot better than taking a beating in the blistering heat/freezing cold everyday. But hell, I don't even do that shit anymore so what do I know. I'm a fucking Engineer. So all these sidelined fucktards in this thread can suck my mother fucking cock. Try calling someone else ignorant, stupid, or whatever else you can throw out because that shit doesn't phase me. I bet most of you fat, whiney little bitches couldn't last 5 minutes on my job without having your ass canned.
  2. Archie

    F body parts

    Might be interested in the DS loop, where are you located?
  3. I know two people that have had great success with this program, you just gotta stick with it. I think they said around 4 months or so you really see a huge difference... Good luck.
  4. I don't really care what his job involves, I was merely stating my opinion on the matter and calling people's bluff on these bullshit salaries you hear people throw out. The market for these jobs is about to crash, so I don't really give a fuck, I guess if I "didn't know much of anything in general" I'd just be a tool on this board and agree with everyone, much like you. I wouldn't say I'm a worthless fuck, a worthless fuck would be someone who sit behind a desk all day with a headset on attempting to waste peoples time in however manner they seem fit. One step up from a moron taking orders at taco bell.
  5. It should be more like this: if the popo pisses you off, you should be entitled to stomp his face in.
  6. I still doubt it. Lets look at this realistically: You are talking about comparing a person whos neither has the knowledge or the qualifications to contribute anything to society, who makes a salary that rivals that of engineers, architects, tradesman, small business owners, anyone in the healthcare industry... the list is long for people in that pay grade. Not to bad mouth anyones "profession", but I guess the economy crash will weed out some of the bullshit jobs around town.
  7. I agree with OB, see how quickly those pussy ass thugs scatter when the people fight back...
  8. Would have to be on the VERY top...
  9. Interested in the P95, waiting on pics...
  10. Lol, there's no way in hell someone works in a call center and makes over 60K a year... I mean seriously, people with MBAs usually don't make that much.
  11. Archie


    The few, the proud, the LT1... Welcome
  12. Both the DNC and the RNC have shown fascism at its finest...
  13. #1 Wow, this thread really woke up the pervs...
  14. I wouldn't dump a load... she be havin down syndrome babies and shit.
  15. Need a good deer gun? I have a mossber 835 pump - camo'd, vented rifled barrel, sights... let me know if you're interested.
  16. Great article. It will hit a lot of people hard, especially since we went from a society of builders and innovators to a society of pussies and paper pushers.
  17. lol I was waiting for AJ to do the usual Mustang bash...
  18. That's what I've heard too...
  19. Archie

    $10K Car Fun?

    More like 3400lbs with you in it...
  20. Archie

    $10K Car Fun?

    Mustang w/motor $7,000 Allowance for blowing head gaskets $3,000 Total $10,000
  21. Damn, my magnaflow doesn't sound that loud...
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